Chapter 75 Huinyin

Seeing the visitor, Jingyu hastily stopped what she was doing and bowed her head, softly calling out.


Jingyu's tone was filled with fear as she spoke.

Zhao Tiezhu, standing to the side, was leisurely putting on his clothes, all the while eyeing the abbess Jingyu had just referred to.

"Abbess? That's a rather strange title," Zhao Tiezhu muttered quietly.

This person was none other than the abbess of Jingyue Nunnery, Master Huinyin.

While murmuring to himself, Zhao Tiezhu scrutinized Master Huinyin, and after a thorough inspection, his gaze finally settled on the expansive waves of her chest.

The clothing of the nunnery was naturally plain and loose.

Even someone with a figure as shapely as Jingyu's couldn't show off anything wearing these clothes.

But Master Huinyin was different. Even in such a loose robe, the waves at her chest could not be concealed, certainly giving the monastic robe a sense of curves.