Chapter 89 Run!

Liu Na, who had always been reticent, spoke at this moment, "Tiezhu, why don't you marry both of us sisters? That way, we can always be by your side!"

"What do you think?"

Upon hearing Liu Na's words, the smile on Zhao Tiezhu's face simply couldn't be stopped.

He knew that he had completely conquered the hearts of these two sisters.

However, conquest aside, he still needed to escape. After all, there was a furious Zhang Yu outside, and if he didn't make a run for it, his life might very well be in danger.

It's always smart to keep a green hill under you, lest you have no wood to burn.

With his hearing enhanced by Divine Power, Zhao Tiezhu could hear everything that Liu Lanxiang and Zhang Yu were saying outside, and he heard it with crystal clarity.

At this time, Zhang Yu was growing increasingly uneasy as he saw Liu Lanxiang talking non-stop, without any intention to pause.

After all, men's premonitions in certain matters can be very accurate.