Chapter 121: Treating Sickness Again

However, Zhao Hua's next words sent a chill down the still jubilant Zhao Tiezhu's spine.

"Tiezhu, you mentioned that you're lacking land in the village, lacking materials, and the village committee can sort all that out for you, but there's one thing we can't help you with!"

"Do you have a medical practice license?"

Those words rendered Zhao Tiezhu momentarily speechless.

"A medical practice license?" Zhao Tiezhu murmured softly to himself.

He had thought things through, but he had completely overlooked this crucial aspect. Had Zhao Hua not reminded him, he probably wouldn't have realized until he was ready to open for business.

And indeed, a medical practice license was crucial. No matter how advanced his medical skills were, he needed this license. Without it, he'd be considered an unlicensed practitioner, and if someone were to look into it, his troubles would be immense.