Chapter 0001: Return


Snow blanketed the entire city, icing it over.

On the bustling streets, the flow of people was endless.

The old residence of the Su Family was situated right at the center of the capital.

This ancient quadrangle dwelling, with its clash against the surrounding tall buildings, seemed as if it existed in another world.

Even though the Su Family had faded into obscurity for many years, people of the capital still held a fearful respect for this place and dared not come near.

"You abomination, you should have never been born!"

"You are the disgrace of our Su Family, you deserve to die!"

"Tie up this abomination immediately and sink him into the river! Let him disappear forever!"


Outside the deserted courtyard, memories surged to his mind one after the other.

"Young man, this is the old residence of the Su Family, ordinary people can't just come near it!"

The voice that came from beside him caused Ye Xiao's fists to gradually loosen, and he revealed a toothy smile.

"Oh? Why's that?"

The uncle who approached and assessed Ye Xiao for a while, frowned and said, "You're not a local, are you? Haven't you heard of the Su Family?"

The uncle lowered his voice slightly.

"The Su Family is one of the eight great families of the capital. Long ago, they were already a dominant force in Hua Country, and three years ago, they were favored by an ancient martial arts power, prompting the family to relocate. Now their status towers above the other seven great families!"

"I've heard that when the Su Family wanted someone dead, that very night, at least a thousand people would lose their lives!"

"Rumor has it that when a wealthy tycoon from a small city tried to save that person, the Su Family broke his spine that very night and swallowed up all his assets!"

"Do you think that people from the Su Family can be easygoing?"

"Even now when there's not a single soul in this Su residence, if the Su Family finds out who dares to break in, they would certainly decimate all related clan members!"

At this point, the uncle realized he had also gotten too close, his face filled with fear, he retreated several steps, and his tense expression slightly relaxed.

"So the Su Family is that fierce, heh heh."

Ye Xiao's smile did not fade, and he stepped forward.

"Ah! Young man..."

The uncle intended to step forward to stop him, but in the blink of an eye, Ye Xiao's figure had seemingly teleported under the plaque of the Su Family's old residence.

This scene caught the attention of passersby who had noticed Ye Xiao's movement and caused them to look sideways.

The words "Su Residence," although not cleaned for several years, still shone with golden brilliance.

"Could it be that this young man is here to find trouble with the Su Family?"

Among the onlookers not far away, someone whispered a guess, which immediately drew a disdainful chuckle from the person next to them.

"Ha! To challenge the Su Family? You must be..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Ye Xiao slowly raise his arm and form his fingers into a sword, slashing down!


Following a faint sound of cleaving air, Ye Xiao's figure also turned into an afterimage, gradually fading, as if he had never been there.

The passersby were still confused, but a faint sound came from the Su Family's mansion.

Squeak, squeak, squeak...

Gradually, those faint noises grew louder and louder.

The pupils of the onlookers suddenly contracted!


It split open!!!

The old residence of the Su Family, it had split open!

It was as though a photograph had been ripped into two halves from right to left!



With that deafening blast, the suspended upper half of the structure collapsed, raising clouds of dust into the sky! The earth itself trembled!

"Sword Finger Technique?! Sword Qi Condensation?! Is there really such a young Transcendent Grandmaster?!"

Among the onlookers, a man in his early forties suddenly had his pupils contract, his body shaking violently, with only fear remaining in his originally steady gaze.

That youth was merely in his early twenties!

This news spread across the entire Huaxia in less than a day!

Now among the eight Transcendent Grandmasters of Huaxia, the youngest was already over thirty!

Countless Ancient Martial Artists emerged in the capital searching for his whereabouts.

At this time, Ye Xiao had already arrived in Jiangzhou City.

The person the Su Family had been intending to kill was none other than Ye Xiao.

The wealthy man whose spine had been broken was his Uncle Tang!

"To save my life, my mother committed suicide by jumping into the river right after I was born, before I even had a chance to see her."

"Uncle Tang protected me and was crippled by your Su Family, leaving his family of three homeless and unaccounted for to this very day!"

Revisiting the old place, Ye Xiao took a deep breath as he looked at Green Willow Villa, which had been deserted for a long while, to calm the turmoil in his heart.

There, he had an Aunt Zhang who was strict yet caring, a little girl with a runny nose and bare feet who chased after him, and Uncle Tang who would sacrifice the entire Tang Family fortune for him.

"People of the Su Family, you should thank that blind Ancient Martial force that allowed you to cling to life."

Ye Xiao's expression was indifferent. As he spoke, the temperature around the villa dropped suddenly.


A dark figure flashed and appeared behind Ye Xiao, kneeling on one knee, his body trembling uncontrollably.

He had forgotten how many years it had been since his master emitted such a sharp murderous aura.

"Have you found out?"

Ye Xiao walked outside the main gate of the villa, dusting the wood door, his tone somewhat gentler.

"Found out, sir. We have confirmed that the man who injured Uncle Tang is in Jiangzhou City, but we still need some time to determine who exactly it is."

"How about the acquisitions of my foster father's assets?"



"Yes! Most of the assets have been acquired back, but a portion of them is not for sale. It was through them that we discovered the person who hurt Uncle Tang might be in Jiangzhou City."


Ye Xiao let out a laugh.

In the sudden chill, frost began to form on the black-clothed man's clothes!

"Excellent! It seems that my foster father's most beloved Rivers and Mountains Sheji Diagram, and this Green Willow Villa, are among them, right?"

"Master is wise. The owner of the Rivers and Mountains Sheji Diagram has sent word that if we want it, we should attend the auction tomorrow, and as for the owner of Green Willow Villa, they should also be on their way here now."

The man in black endured the bone-chilling cold and replied respectfully.

No sooner had he finished speaking than a white Bentley stopped outside Green Willow Villa.

"Is this bumpkin the one who wants to buy Green Willow Villa?"

A young man got out of the car and immediately saw Ye Xiao standing outside the villa.

Ye Xiao gave him the impression of being very rustic.

Wearing unbranded clothes that seemed like they were picked from a street stall and wiping dust off the wooden door with his hand, as if he had never seen such a grand villa in his life.

"Yang Tao, the other party has offered ten times the auction price of Green Willow Villa from back in the day. I'd advise you not to judge a book by its cover."

"Judge a book by its cover? Ha! I think this kid is simply taking me for a fool. Did you see him drive here? He can't even afford a car after spending ten times the price on Green Willow Villa?"

As they spoke, they had walked up the steps and arrived outside the villa's gate.

"Idiot, do you know who I am? Do you understand the consequences of making me come here for nothing?"