Chapter 0009: Talking to You

The raised corners of his mouth, the indifferent gaze, each one was a huge shock to Sun Anqi's heart.

Ye Xiao…

…hadn't lied!


was not a threat!

She didn't know how she had come to that conclusion, but looking at Ye Xiao's condescending demeanor, she felt certain of it in her heart.


Sun Anqi managed only a single word before the rest of her sentence was stifled under Ye Xiao's indifferent stare, lodged in her throat like a fishbone.

As the treasured pearl of the Sun Family, when had she ever been treated like this?

In terms of beauty, she considered herself no less attractive than Zhou Yun, in terms of family background, she was even more so the one-of-a-kind, wealthy young lady of Jiangzhou City.

From a young age, it had always been her scolding others, her hitting others; she'd never experienced a scene like today's.

The salesperson snapped back to reality and immediately grabbed a walkie-talkie to call security, her eyes filled with anger as she quickly ran over to support Sun Anqi.

"Sir, security is on their way. If you don't want to go to jail, please apologize to Miss Sun right now!"

Sun Anqi was her big spender, and being hit like this would undoubtedly affect her sales performance.

"What if I told you that security will only come to kick you out, do you believe me?"

Ye Xiao's smile was slightly raised.

Zhou Yun and Wang Qian had also snapped out of their daze by now. Wang Qian was the first to run to Ye Xiao's side to dissuade him, "I know you mean well, but have you thought about what Yunyun will face once you're gone, even if you really do have the ability to do something?"

If Sun Anqi were set on revenge, Zhou Yun's situation could plummet into an abyss with just one word from her.

"She's Ye Xiao's sister, no one can touch her, and no one dares to, not even the Emperor of Heaven himself."


Wang Qian was left speechless by Ye Xiao's response.

This man, how overbearing!

"Forget it, I didn't suffer any loss. Let's head down to the first floor; I still want to buy some pretty clothes," Zhou Yun finally let go of all her wariness towards Ye Xiao and also came over to dissuade him.

These kinds of stores all have surveillance. If things really did blow up, it wouldn't end well.

Though Sun Anqi was at fault, it was Ye Xiao who had laid hands on someone.

"You apologized before when you were aggrieved, but now that I've returned, should the sky fall, I will hold it up!"

Ye Xiao's words were just as assertive as ever.

Sun Anqi couldn't help examining this man who she had originally thought was nothing special.

Ordinary attire, not the most handsome face, but surprisingly easy on the eyes.

What perplexed her even more was that on this man, she sensed a unique aura she had never felt from her peers.

"Let it be, I'm at fault as well," declared Sun Anqi as she pushed the salesperson away, her complexion somewhat pale.

She thought back to the aura she felt from Ye Xiao.

It was an aura she had only felt from her grandfather, yet Ye Xiao's presence was even more intense, a hundred times, a thousand times stronger!

"But…" the salesperson still wanted to speak when the guards, wielding batons, had already rushed over.

The salesperson's face lit up with joy, and she hurriedly approached them, but before she could say anything, a row of sturdy guards had already subdued her.

Meanwhile, a voice came from the hallway outside the store, "You may leave. You've been here for years, and I haven't treated you badly. Go to finance and get a year's salary. I don't want to see you tomorrow."

Hearing the voice made the salesperson's body tremble violently.

"The... the Chairman?!"

Looking in the direction of the voice, she saw that plainly dressed middle-aged man—wasn't he the one who had been following behind Ye Xiao earlier?

Since she had only seen Liu Feihong a few times, it took her a moment to remember him, but now, hearing Liu Feihong's voice, she immediately recalled that this man was the Chairman of Longteng Plaza!

At this moment, a row of people followed behind Liu Feihong, slowly making their way towards the Hermes boutique, each carrying a piece of clothing with a price tag that had who knows how many zeros.

Having given the order, Liu Feihong didn't look at the salesperson again and directly entered the store.

"It is my incompetence that has upset the boss! Please, boss, punish me!"

His body trembled as if the aura of superiority he exuded just a moment ago had disappeared the instant he stepped into the store, his body slightly shaking.

"It's alright, you only found out halfway that I was coming here."

Ye Xiao waved his hand casually and picked up the dress Zhou Yun had been eyeing.

"Go try it on."


No one spoke.

Zhou Yun was stunned.

Wang Qian was stunned.

Sun Anqi, with her cheeks swollen high, was even more stunned.

A subordinate?! The chairman of Longteng Group, calling himself a subordinate in front of Ye Xiao?!

"Silly girl, what are you dazing at?"

As Ye Xiao spoke, he playfully flicked Zhou Yun's delicate nose, and she finally came back to her senses, her cheeks blushing as she pulled the equally stunned Wang Qian and ran into the changing room.

"The one she took in, get it tailored to her size and have Paris send over ten sets in different colors."


The conversation unfolding before her made Sun Anqi doubt if she was dreaming.

Directly communicating with the designers at the Hermes headquarters in Paris?!

Outside the boutique, the salesperson's face had lost all color.

She wasn't foolish. Ye Xiao had the means, not because he couldn't deal with her, but because he disdained to stoop to the level of someone like her, who looked down on others.

With a wave of Liu Feihong's hand, the security guards outside were already escorting the salesperson away.

"Chairman, look at this piece, Miss has such a good figure, it must suit her perfectly."


Within the store, the eyes of the salespeople were now shining.

If the "immortal" in the store took a liking to the clothes they brought in, their rise to success would be overnight.

Soon, Zhou Yun had changed into the brand-new dress and walked out of the changing room.

Sun Anqi, who thought her looks were no worse than Zhou Yun's, instantly felt so inferior that she hung her head.

She had put on makeup, but there was nothing on Zhou Yun's face.

Her noble face, pure like a sacred lotus, paired with the simple yet elegant dress, destroyed any confidence Sun Anqi had to stand next to Zhou Yun.

"Hey! You said Uncle Zhou has money with you, right? You paid for this dress, right?"

Wang Qian, who knew the dress was tailor-made for Zhou Yun after seeing her try it on, also realized Ye Xiao's genuine feelings for Zhou Yun and spoke without restraint.

"Of course, everything here is free. Grab some things for Auntie to take back too. I've eaten the boxed lunch Auntie made for Uncle Zhou when I was a child," Ye Xiao said with a light smile.

"Free? Really?"

Wang Qian was somewhat excited. She had spotted a piece earlier, but due to her family's financial situation, she didn't even dare to think about trying it on.

"I'm asking you a question."

Ye Xiao glanced sideways, looking towards Liu Feihong, who was still keeping his head down.

"How could I dare to accept money from the young lady's friend?" Liu Feihong replied with respect.

"Did you hear that?" Ye Xiao looked on with an amused smile.

Getting confirmation, Wang Qian did not go for the piece she had liked, but instead dragged the overwhelmed Zhou Yun around the store to select some shoes and picked out some jewelry to take to the changing room.

A salesperson who had come with Liu Feihong tentatively pitched the clothing she was holding, and seeing that neither Ye Xiao nor Liu Feihong objected, the entire Hermes boutique suddenly became as busy as a marketplace, with all the salespeople swarming in.

Sun Anqi watched all this in a daze, touching her swollen cheek. If not for the stinging pain, she would have truly thought she was dreaming.