Chapter 0018: Fight a Thousand People?


The scorpion sneered coldly, "Here, I am the law!"

The neighbors watched with eyes about to split, but no one dared to step forward and stop them.

Scorpion and his people were different from Zhou Yun's relatives. Recently, someone in their area had a conflict with Scorpion's men and ended up in the hospital, with the matter unresolved.

They were just ordinary citizens and simply not in the same league as someone like Scorpion, who was paid to do things. If they really fought, they were bound to lose.

Xie Jun'an slightly furrowed his brows and looked around.

He knew about the protection in the shadows, but why hadn't that person made a move yet?

Xie Jun'an was different from the shadow; in such a public place, he was not convenient to take action because he was the Chairman of Emperor Bar, someone who needed to remain in the public eye.

Soon, a figure appeared in Xie Jun'an's line of sight, and his confusion immediately dissipated.

"Since when did the likes of you take charge of the law in Jiangzhou City?"

This familiar yet strange voice made Zhou Yun tremble all over, and she quickly turned to look behind her.

Approaching through the crowd was none other than Ye Xiao, who claimed to be her brother.

Ye Xiao's words brought those approaching thugs to a halt.

There seemed to be a unique aura about him that, with just a simple sentence, made the thugs wary.

This man was no ordinary individual.

Just one glance from Ye Xiao gave them such an impression.

"Disreputable person?"

Zhou Yue frowned as he looked, sizing up Ye Xiao now standing beside Zhou Yun.

Dressed in plain clothes, if not for the indescribable aura about him, he would be someone who could blend into the crowd without causing the slightest ripple.

"Brother Ye Xiao!"

Wang Qian didn't stand on ceremony, Zhou Yun's brother was naturally her brother too.

Ye Xiao?

Zhou Yue frowned; he had just heard this name, the person who had bought those designer brands for Zhou Yun.


As he looked at Ye Xiao, a smile appeared on Zhou Yue's face.

The apprehension he had initially felt had vanished by now.

Could someone dressed in a plain outfit like that afford to buy so many Hermes designer items for Zhou Yun?

"Zhou Yun, what is the meaning of this? Do you take us elders for fools? Bringing in such a person to fool us?"

Zhou Yue was convinced Ye Xiao was an actor Zhou Yun had paid to scare them off.

Scorpion also scrutinized Ye Xiao, his eyes like that of a jackal having spotted its prey.

Disreputable person?

Ye Xiao's statement had publicly slapped his face, and if he didn't handle this well, his reputation in this area would be gone.

"This young man..."

"Young man, you better leave now, while you still can."


The neighbors warned in whispers; Scorpion was notorious around these parts, known for his ruthlessness and the scorpion tattoo on his face had earned him his nickname.

"Leave? Come and go as you please? What do you think I am?! Those who know better should shut up!"

Scorpion's angry shout silenced the hushed voices, and his malicious gaze fell on Ye Xiao.

"Kid, this matter is none of your business. Kneel and apologize now, and I might spare your life today."

As he spoke, Scorpion picked up a steel pipe from the hands of one of his lackeys and stepped forward.

He wanted to use this opportunity to solidify his authority.

Ye Xiao didn't pay him any attention, glancing at the three business cards in Zhou Yun's arms, and looked sideways at Xie Jun'an, "Did you tell them?"

"How could I possibly contact them, most likely it was Lord Qin Hao who found out..."

Xie Jun'an gave a bitter smile, as he had no way to contact the people of Dragon King Hall, even though he enjoyed unlimited glory in Jiangzhou City. Compared to the Dragon Kings in the hall, he was undoubtedly as insignificant as a firefly against the bright moon.

They were simply not from the same world.


Ye Xiao responded, turning to look at Zhou Yun with a much softer gaze, "Is Auntie Zheng cooking inside?"

After a long moment of stunned silence, Zhou Yun finally nodded, "Hmm."

"Go inside and help her, I'll handle things here."

No sooner had Ye Xiao finished speaking than the steel pipe in the approaching Scorpion's hand was already swinging toward his head.

The previously stunned lackeys, following Scorpion's lead, all waved various objects toward Ye Xiao at the same time.

Before Zhou Yun could recover, Wang Qian had already pulled her to the side for safety.

The sound of impacts continued unabated, with Zhou Yue's mouth inevitably curling into a slight smile.

Dressed casually and arriving alone, yet carrying himself with such superiority, he really couldn't understand where Zhou Yun had found such a cheap actor.

"This kid truly doesn't know death..."

As the noises began to diminish, Zhou Yue's words cut off halfway, the rest unable to leave his mouth.

Just a few short words, and in the span of speaking them, which took but a few seconds, Scorpion's lackeys were all lying on the ground.

The steel pipe in Scorpion's hand was about to smash down on Ye Xiao's head, but it stopped just as it was raised above his head.

Was this a ghostly apparition?

Scorpion's eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets from the shock of what he saw!

Only a few seconds had passed?!

All of his lackeys had been taken down by Ye Xiao?!

Could this even be done by a human?!

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and he realized that today he had kicked an iron plate.

The man before him wasn't casually dressed because he had no ability, but rather his ability had reached a point where he couldn't care less about what he wore.

"Brother, which faction do you belong to?"

Scorpion set the steel pipe down with difficulty, his voice hoarse.


Ye Xiao's mouth curved into a slight smirk as he patted the dust off his hands, "What do you count for? You think you're worthy of calling me 'brother'?"


In the deadly silence that ensued, Scorpion was left speechless.

Those words were not merely a slap in the face for him.

Yet, faced with Ye Xiao, he didn't know how to respond.

Before this, he had many words that could have salvaged his dignity, as long as his lackeys took down Ye Xiao, allowing him to re-establish his authority here.

But now...

Ye Xiao's words had metaphorically ground his face into the dirt, and he was powerless to resist.

"You can fight alright, but can you take on ten, a hundred, a thousand?"

There was a hint of venom in Scorpion's gaze, as he was not given a way out by Ye Xiao, nor did he intend to let things end amicably.


Ye Xiao laughed.

"Since you said so, go ahead and bring a thousand people over to try it out, and we'll find out. If I don't take down a thousand people today, none of the people here need to leave."


At his words, the surroundings fell silent once again, even the lackeys on the ground who had been wailing from their injuries seemed to forget about their broken hands or feet.

Not being able to fight a thousand people, and thus none here need to leave???

It was undoubtedly a statement only a fool would make.

But looking at the slight upward curve of Ye Xiao's mouth, they all had a chilling feeling, a very ominous premonition taking hold in their minds…