Chapter 095: You Can Only Stand Behind Ye Xiao


Ye Xiao, with the battle where he executed Mo Tianxing, rose to the eighty-eighth position on the War God rankings of Hua Country.

This matter had long since spread throughout the many clans and sects of Hua Country.

On the surface, the populace of Hua Country only knew of the existence of the eight great grandmasters.

But in fact, their ignorance of those powerful individuals was due to their not being qualified enough.

And as the department managing the affairs of martial artists, Six Fan Gates obviously had the capability and the need to collect extensive information on numerous martial artists.

Inside a vacant corridor, Fu Lingxiang paced back and forth to ease the anxiety in her heart.

The commotion this time was beyond what Jiangzhou City's Six Fan Gates could handle, and Chen Dong had reported to the capital's Six Fan Gates for reinforcement at the first moment he received the news.