Chapter 109: Truly Worthy of Being My Son, Zhang Yuanmou!

At this moment, the two of them looked at Zhang Yuanmou with eyes nearly splitting in rage.

However, before they could utter a word, Zhang Yuanmou swiftly stepped forward, his hand chops landing on the backs of their heads.

Thud! Thud!

Not yet having stepped into the Qi Refinement Realm, Zhang Yuanmou was still a ninth-level peak Body Refinement martial artist. The two did not put up any resistance from beginning to end and were knocked unconscious by him.

"Take them away! My Zhang Family has no place for such embarrassing failures! They don't even know what kind of occasion they're speaking at!"

At Zhang Yuanmou's command, several younger members of the Zhang Family, who were still in shock, quickly came to their senses and dragged the unconscious brothers away under the watchful eyes of all present.

In the end, Zhang Yuanmou clasped his fists, bowing deeply in the direction of the guests who had arrived.