Chapter 0123: Relatives, Enemies, Passersby


As the shattered stones had turned into afterimages and were about to strike Zhang Aiyin, Tang Shishi instinctively cried out and wanted to rush forward, only to find that the stones were already about to shoot into her mother's body!



With that cold snort, Tang Shishi's figure had already burst forth, but then she saw those shattered stones suddenly freeze in mid-air.

An invisible force blocked their way and under the oppression of this force, dozens of shattered stones instantly turned into dust and dissipated into the air...



Zhang Yuanmou couldn't believe what he was seeing as he stared at Ye Xiao, at this young man barely in his twenties, his eyes bulging round as he spat out fresh blood!

Water can carry a boat, it can also capsize it.

He had desperately channeled his Qi Force in a stealth attack on Zhang Aiyin, hoping to take someone down with him before he died, to make Tang Tianhao's entire family regret it.