Chapter 0134: How Did He Know?!

A group of people entered the amusement park and split up; four went to queue for other attractions, and Zheng Jingliang followed the girl who had ridden in his car along with Ye Xiao and Guan Qinghan.

"Why don't we go on the roller coaster?"

As they approached the roller coaster, Zheng Jingliang suggested.

The girl with him was fairly attractive and had a nice figure. They had already exchanged WeChat contacts in the car, and if nothing went wrong, something might develop between them.

"A roller coaster?"

The girl seemed a bit apprehensive.

While they were talking, a man in his thirties walked past them and accidentally bumped into Zheng Jingliang.

"Sorry, so sorry."

The man apologized immediately. Zheng Jingliang frowned, feeling slightly annoyed, but he didn't pursue the matter and just nodded, "Be careful where you're going."

"Yes, yes, I'll definitely be careful next time. I'm really sorry, brother."