Chapter 015: Competing with... Him?

"Be careful, I don't want to spend tens of thousands to repair this teaching building,"

Shen Wanshan said without turning his head.

These words brought a smile to Zhao Pan's face.

Originally, Shen Wanshan did not allow martial artists to fight within Capital University.

But now, because of the punch he had just thrown, Shen Wanshan's words were tantamount to giving his tacit approval.

However, Zhao Pan felt that this was more due to the reputation of the Zhao Family in the capital.

The Su Family had lain low for many years, with the Zhao Family rising after them. Now, their renown nearly matched that of the other seven great families.

That, perhaps, was the real reason why Shen Wanshan did not dare to provoke him and had implicitly allowed him to take action.

Members of the eight great families standing nearby frowned upon hearing Shen Wanshan's words, displeased.

Shen Wanshan had not treated them with the same attitude before.