Chapter 0177: Don't You Feel Heartbroken?

Within the Six Fan Gates, Fu Lingxiang indeed did not want her colleagues and those she dealt with to treat her as a woman.

But that didn't mean she was unaware of the differences between herself and men.

"I didn't hear anything."

Ye Xiao looked at Fu Lingxiang's complexion and immediately spoke up.

Had he remained silent it might have been better, but his words instantly turned Fu Lingxiang's face red to the tips of her ears.

This bashful look, even the female sales associate from the same gender was somewhat stunned.

It took a while before the blush on Fu Lingxiang's face faded.

"If you heard, you heard, in the end, that's all you can do—just listen."

Fu Lingxiang let it go.

If she was bothered by such things, she wouldn't need to work at the Six Fan Gates in the future.

"Have someone send over a pair of safety shorts, and then see about putting together a few outfits for her."

Ye Xiao said.