Chapter 0191: None of You from Dragon King Hall Have Any Shame

Kyoto, Dong Family.

Dong Chengfeng looked at Dong Qingshan in front of him with furrowed brows, remaining silent.

For five minutes, he didn't say a word.

"Qing Shan, do you realize what your actions today signify?"

"With your current Qi Refinement stage at the ninth level's peak, do you really intend to represent our Dong Family outside?"

"Are you aware, after today, how the other families will speak of the Dong Family?"

Dong Chengfeng said with a deep voice.

Dong Qingshan had just told him everything that happened today at Yongle Garden without missing a single detail.

He didn't leave out any detail.

That included what Ye Xiao said that angered the younger generation of the families enough to stomp downstairs from the rooftop.


That was Dong Chengfeng's first impression of Ye Xiao after hearing Dong Qingshan's description.

This young man, just over twenty years old who came from Jiangzhou City, was very arrogant, extremely so!