Chapter 0193: You... Better Not Mess with Him

Last night's incident at Yongle Garden had no small impact on Capital University.

Now with the Spring Festival holiday not yet over, most students at Capital University belong to one of the eight great families.

Ye Xiao's few words almost made him become overnight someone whom everyone at school wished to swiftly be rid of.

Of course, they didn't have the strength, much less the courage, to do so.

"If you ask me, that kid Ye Xiao is just a blockhead, relying on his little strength to act lawlessly. Sooner or later, he's bound to drown in the Capital."

"Isn't that obvious? He's just a bumpkin from the backwaters of Jiangzhou City, nothing more than a bit stronger. His ability to handle affairs is nonexistent; with what he said yesterday, he's already cut off all his retreats."

"Given the current situation, aside from Lu Wei and Dong Qingshan, I'm afraid all members of the eight great families wish he would disappear from this world."