Chapter 0274: Things Go Contrary to One's Wishes

Hearing this, Sun Yidao cracked a faint smile without much concern, his gaze landing on Zhuge Xiang.

"Great Commander, as far as I know, Feng Jing is the Six Fan Gates successor you're currently intent on grooming, correct?"

"With your determination, for such a significant matter, surely you wouldn't refrain from bringing her here to gain some experience."

"What is it? Are you determined to burn bridges with the Sun Family?"

Sun Yidao hinted at something deeper.

He didn't spell it out, but he was sure Zhuge Xiang could read between the lines of his statement.

If Zhuge Xiang refused to let him enter Capital University, he would expose the plans of the Six Fan Gates and other layouts to everyone from the ancient martial sects.

"It seems Elder Sun has not clearly seen the current situation, has he?"

Zhuge Xiang did not respond, and Ye Xiao laughed out loud.