Chapter 288: Money or Life?


"It seems you don't understand why Li Bin came over to swear allegiance, do you?"

Zhuge Xiang looked toward the distant Five-Layer Foundation Establishment and smiled slightly.

"May I presume to ask if Your Excellency has heard about the affairs of the Dragon King Hall?"

"Given that the Dragon King Hall's strength is so immense, have you ever wondered why news related to it has never reached your side?"

"Is it... no news?"

"Or... is the news unable to reach?"

With just a few brief sentences from Zhuge Xiang, the color drained from the faces of those from the ancient martial arts sects who had yet to come over and pledge allegiance.

"It's over... It's all over!!!"

"This isn't something we should be aware of..."

"Quick! Run! Run now!!!"

Some were in despair, some regretful, and others turned their backs and charged up their Qi Force, preparing to flee into the distance.

Within a brief moment, figures had already dashed far off.