Chapter 1: Rescuing the Beauty from a Car Accident

"Honey, be gentle, don't let that idiot outside hear..."

"What are you afraid of? It's not the first time. That fool probably really thinks I'm treating you."

At the Qin Family Villa, Chen Fan stood at the doorway of his wife Qin Lan's room, his brow furrowed.

Listening to the noises inside, he pondered for a moment before stepping forward to knock on the door.

"Honey, I brought Doctor Sun a glass of water. Please open the door."

There was a brief moment of panic in the room, followed by Qin Lan's cursing, "Get out of here, Doctor Sun is treating me. I don't have time for water. Don't bother us... Mmm... Sun... Doctor Sun, perform!"

Chen Fan's frown deepened. "Wife, what's wrong with you? It sounds like you're choking?"

"I'm fine! Didn't you hear me tell you to get out?" Qin Lan's voice grew increasingly irritable.

Chen Fan bit his lip, took a deep breath, placed his hand on the doorknob, and turned it forcefully.

It didn't open.

Now he was truly panicked and began pounding on the door, "What the hell are you two doing in there? Why lock the door for treatment? Why are there strange noises coming out?"

"Can't you understand what I'm saying? You're interrupting Doctor Sun's treatment of me. If I don't get better because of you, can you bear that responsibility?" Qin Lan said sharply.

Chen Fan couldn't take it in; he fiercely turned the doorknob, and after several failed attempts, he simply started to ram the door with his body.

After several violent strikes,


The door opened.

Chen Fan rushed inside.

The bedsheets were in disarray, Qin Lan's underwear lay on the floor, and Qin Lan and Doctor Sun were hurriedly getting dressed.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan froze.

"Why?" Chen Fan's lips trembled, his eyes beginning to moisten.

Qin Lan dressed herself, smoothed her hair, and said coldly, "What do you mean, 'why'? Doctor Sun was treating me, right at a critical moment, and you just burst in here. I should be asking you!"

"Qin Lan, do you really think I'm an idiot?" Chen Fan clenched his fists, his whole body shaking. "We've been married for three years. I've always thought of you, always done as you wished, and I've taken care of all the dirty and tiring chores at home."

"At your word, I could run from the east of the city to the west, just to buy a stick of candied haw that you like to eat."

"Because you said you didn't like it, I endured for three years without touching you. But you? Why do you betray me like this?"

"And to do it right under my nose!"

Seeing she couldn't deceive him any longer, Qin Lan stopped bothering to lie, her face cold. "Why? Isn't it because you're incompetent?"

She turned and threw herself into Doctor Sun's arms, "You know Sun Jiancheng's background. He's the young master of a medical family, the vice president of Tiancheng Pharmaceutical, a medical doctor from a prestigious overseas university. Last week, he even secured the Su Family's order for Tiancheng Pharmaceutical. The Su Family is a giant in Capital. Anyone who can do business with them is a high-society person."

"Look in the mirror. How do you compare to Jiancheng?"

"I'm your husband!" Chen Fan roared.

"Pah!" Qin Lan said with disgust. "If it weren't for my grandfather getting crazy before he died, insisting in his will that I marry you, a good-for-nothing, do you think I would have married you?"

Sun Jiancheng smirked, caressing Qin Lan right in front of Chen Fan, "Chen Fan, since ancient times, beauty has been matched with talent. Don't blame others for the green hat on your head if you have no abilities."

"Sun Jiancheng! Take your hands off my wife!" Chen Fan said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, feisty, aren't we? Which part of your wife haven't I touched? You think you have the right to scream at me?" Sun Jiancheng didn't take Chen Fan seriously at all.

Chen Fan was burning with rage, his eyes bloodshot. He finally couldn't hold back anymore and charged at Sun Jiancheng.

"I'll kill you!"

Sun Jiancheng sneered, and when Chen Fan got close, he lifted his foot and kicked him to the ground, "Stop joking. I won the city's free-fighting championship. You think someone like you can kill me?"

Chen Fan endured the pain and got up, grabbing a water cup nearby to smash it down.

Just then, his mother-in-law Zhang Wanfang ran in, "What's going on? Making such a racket?"

She took one look at Qin Lan and Sun Jiancheng, their clothes in disarray, then glanced at Chen Fan, understanding the situation. She walked over to Chen Fan, snatched the cup from his hands.

"Chen Fan, get out!"

Chen Fan's eyes widened. "Mom, Qin Lan is having an affair!"

Zhang Wanfang's face was cold as she pushed Chen Fan away, "What affair? Stop slandering my daughter's innocence. Doctor Sun has treated her many times before. It's standard procedure. Don't make a fuss over nothing and get out!"

Realization struck Chen Fan, "Mom, you knew about them all along, didn't you?"

"Get out, get out, get out. Doctor Sun is treating my daughter for free. Instead of thanking him, you're here casting suspicion. You're really ungrateful," Zhang Wanfang said impatiently.

"Chen Fan, you should leave. I don't want to see you for a while," Qin Lan chimed in.

Chen Fan suddenly started laughing.

He laughed at himself for being a fool.

He laughed at how his genuine affection had become a joke in the eyes of others.

He laughed that the whole family knew about Qin Lan's affair, yet he was the only fool who thought Qin Lan cared about the relationship and didn't let him touch her because the feelings weren't there yet.

"Fine, I'll go," Chen Fan looked at the three people in the room, "but someday, I'll make you regret this!"

"If you're going to leave, then hurry up and stop with the nonsense!" Qin Lan yelled.

Any last trace of affection Chen Fan had for Qin Lan died completely, and he left the villa.

On the street,

Chen Fan wandered aimlessly like a walking corpse.

Seeing the passing vehicles, he felt a strong urge to get run over.

If his wife could cheat on him right before his eyes, what was the point of living?

"No, I can't die. I have to prove to them that I'm not worthless."

Chen Fan clenched his fist, but soon, it slackened, drained of strength.

How could he prove it?

Sun Jiancheng was the vice president of Tiancheng Pharmaceutical and was now doing business with the Su family.

What kind of existence is the Su Family? A colossus of Jiangcheng!

There are even rumors that behind the Su Family stands the first great family of the Capital!

What does he have to compare with them? Courage?

"Father, when you left, didn't you say my life was destined to be extraordinary? So why have I fallen to such lows?"

"I won't accept this!" Chen Fan screamed inwardly.

A burst of urgent honking broke out, followed by a panic-stricken shout.

"Miss, look out!!!"

Chen Fan's thoughts were shattered as he looked up.

Not far away, a girl as beautiful as an angel was walking into the middle of the street, a truck that had run the red light was barreling towards her.

Chen Fan's pupils contracted sharply, and without a second thought, he dashed towards her.

He forcefully pushed the girl away, saving her from the truck's striking range.

The next second, the truck collided head-on with Chen Fan.


Chen Fan was flung twenty-some meters away, crashing to the ground.

A pool of blood quickly formed on the pavement.

""At least I saved someone before dying, not bad at all."" Chen Fan's consciousness began to blur, and a smile appeared on his lips.

The simple Jade Pendant he wore around his neck fell off and touched the fresh blood on the ground.

A streak of golden light entered Chen Fan's body.

""Immortal Emperor bloodline triggered, inheritance begun.""

The girl he'd pushed away hurried over to Chen Fan, her face filled with urgency, "Hang in there, I'll take you to the hospital right now!"

A few bodyguards dressed in black suits ran over as well.

"Miss, are you alright?"

The girl glanced back at the bodyguards, "Are you blind? Can't you see who's in trouble here? Get the car over here fast!"


A black Rolls-Royce drove up, the license plate reading 88888.

Somebody recognized the car and gasped: "That's the Su family's Miss's car!"


In front of the top VIP ward at Central Hospital.

Su Qingyan stood by the window in the corridor, staring into the night.

She was dressed in a tight skirt with a low-cut top, her figure curvy and toned, her long, sculpted legs round and firm. Standing there, she emitted an intangible aura that made people instinctively lower their gaze.

""If it weren't for him pushing me away today, given my physique, I'd probably be dead, right?"" Su Qingyan murmured to herself.


The sound of a door opening echoed.

Su Qingyan quickly turned around.

The doctor walked out of the ward with a look of puzzlement.

"Doctor, how's the person inside? Is his life saved?" Su Qingyan's face showed concern.

The doctor smiled, "No worries, the patient is very stable, in fact, you could say he's completely unharmed, which is quite surprising to me."

""Completely unharmed?"" Su Qingyan was puzzled as well.

"Indeed, an accident this serious usually has a survival rate of less than five percent, and if lucky enough to survive, they'd likely be paralyzed for life. But this person is perfectly fine, just passed out. It seems like a miracle," the doctor explained with a hint of amazement.

Su Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the doctor, "I'm glad he's alright, thank you for your hard work."

The doctor waved off the thanks, "Miss Su, you're too polite. The patient's condition has stabilized, and I have another surgery to perform. If you have any concerns, talk to the nurse inside. Excuse me."

Su Qingyan nodded, then, after the doctor left, she entered the ward.

Two attending nurses were standing by the bedside, immediately moving aside respectfully as Su Qingyan came in.

Su Qingyan approached the bed and gazed at the unconscious Chen Fan, "Hit by a truck and yet unharmed, could he be a Martial Arts expert?"

At that moment, Chen Fan's expression suddenly twisted in pain, and he caught hold of Su Qingyan's wrist.

Su Qingyan frowned, feeling Chen Fan's grip hot like a furnace, "Your body is so hot, should I get the doctor for you?"

Chen Fan didn't respond but held onto Su Qingyan's wrist tightly while his other hand began tearing at his clothes.

After a moment's hesitation, Su Qingyan turned to the two nurses, "You two, leave for now. Don't let anyone in without my orders."

"Yes!" The nurses left the room in a fluster.

""I've heard from my grandfather that sometimes martial artists encounter problems with their qi, leading to a rush of blood and energy. I've learned some massage techniques..."" Su Qingyan spoke seriously, placing a hand gently on Chen Fan's chest and began to massage."

Chen Fan's eyes abruptly opened, the whites suffused with blood, and his dilated pupils devoid of any sanity, filled only with primal desire.

If there was a master present, they would detect that Chen Fan was exuding an extremely masculine energy while Su Qingyan emitted an extremely feminine energy.

The interaction between the two caused the abnormality Chen Fan was experiencing at the moment.

Su Qingyan's attempts at massaging Chen Fan were like pouring oil on fire, causing him to lose his rational mind.

Chen Fan's eyes fell on Su Qingyan's delicate body, his desire intensifying as he forcefully pinned her down on the bed.

Su Qingyan's expression turned to panic as she turned her head away, not daring to look directly at Chen Fan, "You... don't do this..."

Chen Fan, now a beast, paid no heed to Su Qingyan's words and breathed heavily.

Without hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her snow-white neck.

Su Qingyan struggled fiercely to no avail.

Before long, her tightly clenched fists gradually relaxed...