Chapter 3: Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover

Zhang Dequan was taken aback, "Miss, the order in which these two herbs are added has no impact on the final medicine, doing so is merely a waste of time."

Su Qingyan emphasized each word, "Do as I say!"

Zhang Dequan had no choice but to nod, "Yes! I'll prepare it right away."

Secretary Wang glanced at Su Qingyan cautiously, "Miss, do you really believe what that guy said?"

Su Qingyan appeared unconcerned, "Trying won't cause any loss."

Secretary Wang continued, "Actually, I've already looked into that guy's background."

Su Qingyan raised an eyebrow, "Let's hear it."

Secretary Wang took out his phone, "Chen Fan, male, 27 years old, an unemployed vagabond, a son-in-law who entered the Qin family, a third-tier small family in Jiangcheng, and endured endless humiliation in the Qin family..."

"Wait, what did you say?" Su Qingyan's eyes widened.

"He endured endless humiliation in the Qin family." Secretary Wang said, puzzled.

"The sentence before that."

"A son-in-law who entered the Qin family, a third-tier small family in Jiangcheng." Secretary Wang repeated.

Su Qingyan suddenly clenched her fists, grinding her teeth, "Shameless! He's already married and still says he'll take responsibility for me, and here I was, internally praising him. It's infuriating!"

Secretary Wang was confused, "Miss, what are you talking about?"

"Never mind, keep going." Su Qingyan calmed herself down.

"Although Chen Fan is married, his marriage is in name only, purely to fulfill the will of the old master of the Qin family. During the three years since he married into the Qin family, he has been treated like a servant, never fighting back when hit or responding when scolded. It's said that he hasn't even touched his wife once in three years."

Upon hearing this, Su Qingyan's mood eased considerably.

"Even though this guy is the one who saved your life, Miss, he's too despicable, without spine or abilities, which is why I don't believe what he says. You'd better keep your distance from him in the future, Miss. He's not worthy of being close to you," Secretary Wang offered his judgment.

Su Qingyan looked at Secretary Wang and said indifferently, "Looks can be deceiving, you're being too hasty in your judgment."

Secretary Wang was not convinced, "But this is information I got from the friends and neighbors of Chen Fan's family, it can't be wrong."

"And this guy also loves to show off, to impress you, saying that by changing the order of two herbs, he can solve our current problem. I don't know where he gets his confidence from."

No sooner had she finished speaking than Zhang Dequan rushed over, his face full of excitement.

"It worked! It worked! Miss, I did as you instructed, changing the order of the two herbs, and it actually produced the medicine!"

Secretary Wang's eyes widened in disbelief and he approached Zhang Dequan, "Are you sure it's because you changed the order of those two herbs that it worked? Not because of something else?"

Zhang Dequan was certain, "Absolutely correct, I would never have thought such a simple change could solve the problem that's been troubling us for so long."

Secretary Wang was astonished.

Su Qingyan couldn't help but smile, quietly breathing a sigh of relief, "Now that the problem is solved, let's start mass production and fulfill the orders."

"Yes!" Zhang Dequan looked up at Su Qingyan with admiration, "Miss, you are truly amazing, truly deserving of your reputation as a talented woman in all of Jiangcheng."

The corners of Su Qingyan's mouth curved slightly, "I'm not the one who's incredible, this method was told to me by someone else."

"Oh? That person must be quite remarkable, right?" asked Zhang Dequan.

Su Qingyan didn't respond and turned to look at Secretary Wang with a smile, "Well, what do you say? Looks can be deceiving, correct?"

Secretary Wang was skeptical, "Miss, you... you couldn't possibly have taken a liking to that guy, could you?"

Su Qingyan frowned and glared at Secretary Wang, "Are you second guessing me?"

Secretary Wang hastily smiled apologetically, "Just a joke, just a joke."

Su Qingyan turned and walked away, muttering, "Clumsy fellow, I couldn't dislike him more."

As she spoke, she subconsciously rubbed her wrist.

Secretary Wang followed, "Miss, where are we going now?"

Without hesitation, Su Qingyan answered, "To find Chen Fan!"

Chen Fan walked down the street.

"Void Body Refining Skills, by cultivating this technique, can I really start on the path of becoming an Immortal?"

The Void Body Refining Skills were precisely the legacy left to Chen Fan by the Jiuyou Immortal Emperor. At this moment, he was reviewing the relevant memories in his mind.

This technique was rumored to be The Greatest Divine Skill through the Ages, which at Great Achievement, could shatter the void and allow one to travel freely through the universe.

"Let's try and feel what it's like." Chen Fan began practicing the technique according to the content in his memory.

"Hm? How have I already reached the first level of Qi Cultivation?"

Chen Fan's face was full of surprise.

"Could it be because of the three hours of intense exercise last night?"

"The legendary Dual Cultivation, does it really exist?"

Chen Fan was baffled, and to verify his current strength, he picked up a pebble off the ground and squeezed hard.

The pebble was crushed into powder and scattered into the air with a puff.

"So fierce!" Chen Fan was thrilled beyond measure, "Just at the first level of Qi Cultivation, and already this powerful, the later stages like Foundation Establishment Realm and Golden Core Realm, I bet they could destroy heavens and obliterate the earth!"

"With this kind of strength, I won't have to fear anyone bullying me anymore!"

"Qin Lan, when I become someone who stirs up the Jiang City Fengyun, what will your expression be then?"

He made his way to Qin Lan's family villa.

After taking a deep breath at the entrance, Chen Fan pushed open the door and walked in.

He came to pick up his things.

In the living room, Qin Lan was wearing her pajamas, her beautiful legs revealed, leaning on the sofa with a facial mask on. Zhang Wanfang sat beside her, watching TV and eating sunflower seeds.

Seeing Chen Fan return, Zhang Wanfang spat out the shell of a sunflower seed onto the floor, "You still know how to come back? Hurry up and sweep up these sunflower seed shells for me."

Qin Lan just glanced at Chen Fan, then continued to gently pat her cheeks with her hands.

Chen Fan ignored the two of them and went straight upstairs to the villa's storeroom.

This was his room.

After packing the important items into a backpack, he turned and went downstairs.

Qin Lan saw Chen Fan walking out with his backpack and finally showed a trace of concern, "Chen Fan, what are you doing?"

Chen Fan stopped, "Qin Lan, let's get a divorce."

Qin Lan's eyes widened, sitting up from the sofa, "What did you say?"

Zhang Wanfang sneered, "Listen to him blowing hot air here, he's nothing without our Qin family, he's using divorce as a threat to you."

Chen Fan curled his lips, "Think it over during this time. Once you've made up your mind, we'll go to the civil affairs bureau to get the divorce."

Having said that, he continued walking towards the outside of the villa.

"You stop right there!" Qin Lan suddenly yelled, "What right do you have to talk about divorce with me?"

Chen Fan didn't respond to her.

Qin Lan was furious, grabbing a water glass from the table and throwing it at Chen Fan, "You'll regret divorcing me!"

Chen Fan had a premonition, turned around, and caught the water glass in his hand. Then, he squeezed hard, and the entire water glass turned into powder.

"Perhaps the one to regret it will be you." Without further hesitation, he opened the door and left the villa.

Qin Lan stared blankly at the doorway for a while before sinking back onto the sofa.

"Mom, that trash actually wants to divorce me! On what grounds is he so bold?"

Zhang Wanfang didn't care, "Don't mind him. A dog will come back on its own when it's hungry."

Qin Lan sat on the sofa for five minutes before taking out her cell phone and dialing Sun Jiancheng's number.

"My dear, that bastard Chen Fan actually wants to divorce me!"

"Divorce? That's good news! Baby, don't be angry. A new high-end Western restaurant just opened on Heping Road; I've made a reservation. You go first, and I'll join you after I finish work. Then we can denounce that shameless Chen Fan together!" Sun Jiancheng's voice sounded.

"Okay." Qin Lan hung up the phone and went back into her bedroom to put on makeup.


Wandering aimlessly on Heping Road, Chen Fan walked.

Gurgle gurgle...

He looked down and touched his stomach, showing a hint of embarrassment.

"I didn't have dinner last night and expended so much energy. I need to eat something quickly."

Next to him was a newly opened Western restaurant. Looking at the fragrant steaks inside, Chen Fan nearly drooled.

He turned all his pockets inside out, scraping together a total of 24 yuan.

"Although I've stepped onto the path of cultivation, I can't even afford a steak. Qin Lan, only after losing hope in you did I realize how miserable my life has actually been," Chen Fan laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Go on, go on, if you can't afford it, don't loiter here and affect our restaurant's business!" A waiter with a cloth in hand, shooing Chen Fan away as if he were a beggar.

Chen Fan glanced at the waiter, slightly annoyed.

The waiter looked down his nose, "What, you not happy with it? I saw you fiddling around for money a long time, and you only ended up with twenty-odd yuan; our place is a high-end Western restaurant with an average consumption of over five hundred yuan per person. You can't afford it, so better leave!"

"Forget it, as someone on the path of cultivation, I shouldn't quibble with such minor characters." Chen Fan carefully put his 24 yuan back into his pocket and turned to leave.

Just then a captivating figure suddenly appeared behind Chen Fan, grasping his arm firmly.

Chen Fan turned his head and saw that it was Su Qingyan!

"Miss Su, why are you here?" Chen Fan was baffled, regretting not having asked for Su Qingyan's contact information, and to his surprise, she had come looking for him.

Su Qingyan ignored Chen Fan and stared at the waiter, her voice cold, "In our house I manage the money, isn't it normal for a married man to have only twenty-odd yuan on him?"

Then she threw a gold card towards the waiter.

"I booked the best spot in your restaurant for a date with my husband, and you're trying to drive him away. Is this how you treat your guests?"
