Chapter 7 Just One More Injection

Because it was a critical moment in the treatment and only one more needle, the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Needle, was needed to save the little girl's life, Chen Fan paid no attention to Zhang Wanfang.

The beautiful matron beside him explained, "Sister, my daughter suddenly became unconscious for some reason, and this young man is trying to save her."

Zhang Wanfang was shocked. "Save her? How could this waste know anything about medicine? Aren't you just joking with your daughter's life?"

The matron furrowed her brows. "This young man claims he knows medicine, sister, is there perhaps some misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding my ass, this kid is my son-in-law. How can I not know what he's really like? He's a son-in-law, do you understand? For the past few years, he's done nothing but eat and laze around at my place, how could he possibly know medicine?" Zhang Wanfang said disdainfully.

The matron's face changed drastically, and she quickly looked over at Chen Fan, "Young man, do you have a medical license? Can you show it to me?"

Chen Fan was helpless, "I don't have a medical license, but I assure you I can save your daughter. Trust me, I just have one last needle to finish!"

The matron became anxious immediately and snatched her daughter into her arms.

"Why are you treating someone without a medical license? Do you realize you're murdering my daughter?" The woman's eyes turned red with urgency, almost on the verge of tears.

The onlookers also began to point fingers at Chen Fan.

"How can this guy be like this? After all this time, he doesn't even have a medical license. Is he treating the little girl as a guinea pig?"

"Nowadays, you get all sorts of people; this guy might be doing this to satisfy some sick urge, deliberately harming the young girl."

"I said this guy looks too young, not at all like a doctor, and indeed he's not."


Chen Fan looked anxious and reached out to snatch the little girl back, "Sister, I'm really just one last needle away from making your daughter alright, trust me!"

The matron guarded her daughter and glared fiercely at Chen Fan, "Get lost right now! If anything happens to my daughter today, I will never forgive you!"

"Make way, everyone, Divine Doctor Yang Wanli is here!"

The crowd immediately cleared a path.

An elderly man with white hair and a robust aura walked over.

Divine Doctor Yang Wanli!

The Immortal renowned throughout the city!

He was passing by, heard someone needed urgent medical attention, and came over to help.

Upon seeing Yang Wanli, the matron's eyes also lit up.

She stood up, pushed Chen Fan aside, and approached Yang Wanli, "Divine Doctor Yang, it's so good you're here. Please, I beg you to save my daughter!"

Yang Wanli hurried forward and crouched beside the little girl, "Don't worry, let me take a look at her first."

The matron didn't dare delay and nodded her head quickly.

Seeing Chen Fan still standing there, she pushed him again and scolded, "Stay away. Don't interfere with Divine Doctor Yang treating my daughter!"

Chen Fan sighed. He just wanted to help and never expected to be so misunderstood.

Zhang Wanfang grabbed his ear and dragged him away.

"What are you doing, let me go!" Chen Fan exclaimed with a frown.

Zhang Wanfang glared at him, "Are you stupid or something? Why aren't you taking this chance to run? If something really happens to that girl later, you won't even be able to escape, and I certainly don't want to be dragged down by you!"

She dragged Chen Fan out for dozens of meters.

Chen Fan struggled free from Zhang Wanfang's grip and turned to head back, "That little girl is already hanging by a thread. Even Doctor Yang might not be able to save her. I have to go back, or her life is as good as gone!"

Zhang Wanfang's expression darkened as she blocked Chen Fan.

"Do you really think too highly of yourself? If even Doctor Yang can't save her, what use could you possibly be? Do you really think you know how to treat people? I'm telling you, you need to leave here with me right now, don't make me lose my temper!"


Yang Wanli examined the little girl's condition closely, his brow furrowing deeply.

"Doctor Yang, how is my daughter?" The beautiful woman asked anxiously.

Yang Wanli shook his head, his face showing a hint of apology, "Your daughter is suffering from severe food poisoning and is hanging by a thread. At this point, even a real 'Immortal' would be helpless."

The beautiful woman's face turned deathly pale, "How... how could this happen? She was perfectly fine just a while ago."

"Could it be because of that guy who messed around earlier that her condition worsened?" someone suggested.

"Oh? Did someone treat your daughter earlier?" Yang Wanli inquired.

Tears welling in her eyes, the beautiful woman nodded, "Yes, some jerk posing as a doctor treated my daughter, sticking needles in her. It must have been because of him that she's like this now. I'll kill him! I'll kill him!"

As she spoke, the beautiful woman scanned her surroundings with a murderous look, searching for Chen Fan.

Yang Wanli opened the girl's clothes and, upon seeing the marks from the acupuncture, opened his eyes wide with shock.

"Is this... is this the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Needle technique that has been lost for centuries?" Yang Wanli was overwhelmed with shock.

"Just one needle short... just one more needle!" Yang Wanli said anxiously to the beautiful woman, "Where is the man who punctured these needles? Quickly bring him back! He is the real divine doctor. With just one more needle, your daughter can be saved!"

The beautiful woman was dumbfounded, "What... you mean with just one more needle, my daughter can be revived?"

"That divine doctor has performed an 'Immortal Medical Skill' that can bring the dead back to life. With your daughter's condition, only this medical technique can save her. Why didn't you let him finish the treatment?" Yang Wanli reproached her.

Only now did the beautiful woman realize the folly of her actions. She stood up quickly to look for Chen Fan but could not find him anywhere.

"It turns out he wasn't lying; I am such a fool. He must have left because he thought I didn't trust him. It's all my fault, all my fault!" she lamented, nearly in tears.

"He hasn't gone far, he's right over there!" At that moment, someone spotted Chen Fan and pointed toward him.

The beautiful woman hurriedly looked in that direction, a glimmer of hope reigniting in her eyes as she rushed toward Chen Fan.

Chen Fan was still entangled with Zhang Wanfang.

Zhang Wanfang stubbornly prevented Chen Fan from passing.

The beautiful woman arrived in front of Chen Fan, full of regret, "Divine Doctor, I'm so sorry, I was blind and misunderstood you. Doctor Yang said you are the only one who can save my daughter. I beg your forgiveness; please save my child. As long as she's all right, I'll agree to any request you have!"

A skeptical expression crossed Zhang Wanfang's face, "Didn't I tell you he can't treat anyone? Are you not afraid he'll kill your daughter?"

The beautiful woman's expression darkened, and she turned and slapped Zhang Wanfang across the face, "It looks like you're the one who wants to kill my daughter! If you try to stop this divine doctor again, you'll see what happens!"

Zhang Wanfang was stunned, covering her face, standing rooted to the spot.

Chen Fan glanced at Zhang Wanfang speechlessly and said to the beautiful woman, "Saving a life is what matters most. Let's go quickly."