Chapter 10 Who Will Take Care of You If You Don't?

Miss Su leaned on the sofa, scrutinizing Chen Fan for a few moments, "What did you go out to do?"

"I went to buy some herbs..." Chen Fan replied honestly.

Miss Su's gaze fell onto the bag in Chen Fan's hand, her brows slightly furrowing, "Are you sick?"

"No no no, these herbs... I'm using them to strengthen my body," Chen Fan, not knowing how to explain, made up a reason on the spot.

Miss Su's brows furrowed even more deeply.

This guy's body... still needs strengthening?

"Crazy." Miss Su muttered under her breath.

Chen Fan chuckled awkwardly, "Miss Su, please wait for a moment, I have something pressing to deal with, I ask for your understanding."

The quality of the herbs he had bought wasn't that great to begin with, and the spiritual energy contained within them was constantly dissipating. He had to absorb it quickly; the more he delayed, the worse the effect would be.

Without waiting for Miss Su to respond, Chen Fan had already entered the bedroom and locked the door behind him.

He sat down cross-legged on the bed and took out the herbs he had bought.

"Although it would be better to refine these into elixirs, these herbs are too damaged, no time for that now," he remarked.

Then, gritting his teeth, he directly consumed the herbs raw.

Soon, a wave of heat emanated from his belly.

Chen Fan didn't dare delay and hurriedly circulated the Void Body Refining Skills to absorb the spiritual energy from the herbs.

Half an hour later.

Chen Fan opened his eyes and exhaled a mouthful of foul breath, his aura had noticeably increased a lot.

"Qi Cultivation second layer, huh? It seems I do have some talent for cultivation," he mused.

He got off the bed, stretched his limbs, and then swung a fist into the empty air in front of him.


The powerful force compressed the air, emitting an exploding sound.

"With my full strength in one punch, I could probably punch through the steel-reinforced concrete load-bearing wall of this villa. The path of cultivation is truly terrifying," he declared.

A satisfied smile spread across Chen Fan's face, and his demeanor became even more confident and composed than before.

"Having made the breakthrough just now, a lot of impurities were expelled from my body, looks like it's time for a shower."

With that, Chen Fan opened the door and walked out.

Miss Su was still sitting on the sofa. When she saw Chen Fan come out, she lifted her head, quite displeased, "What were you doing in there? Why did it take so long?"

Chen Fan cleared his throat twice, "Nothing... just a small matter."

"A small matter that required locking the door?" Miss Su stared at Chen Fan, noticing the unnatural flush on his face.

"Really, it was just a small thing. Uh, I need to take a shower first, Miss Su, please wait for me a little while longer," Chen Fan, not knowing how to explain and certainly not able to tell Miss Su that he was cultivating inside, hurriedly excused himself and ran toward the bathroom.

"Take a shower?" Miss Su's eyes widened.

Linking the abnormal flush on Chen Fan's face with the fact he had been locked in the bedroom for over half an hour, she suddenly thought of something, and her pretty face blushed fiercely.


It wasn't long before Chen Fan came out after taking a shower, approaching Miss Su, "Miss Su, I'm really sorry for making you wait."

Miss Su glared at Chen Fan with anger, "Shameless!"

Chen Fan was startled, "Miss Su, what do you mean by that?"

Miss Su snorted coldly, "Don't pretend with me. I know what you were doing in your bedroom. Treating your own body like that, if you don't take care of it, who will? If your body is ruined, it's all your own fault!"

Chen Fan's eyes widened, and he was stupefied for several seconds before he grasped the meaning behind Miss Su's words. He hurriedly tried to explain, "Miss Su, you've misunderstood, I wasn't..."

"Hmph, don't bother explaining, I don't want to hear it," Miss Su turned her head away, showing she didn't want to pay Chen Fan any attention.

"Strange, why do I care if he does something like that, why am I getting so angry?" Su Qingyan felt a peculiar sensation rising in her heart.

Chen Fan was helpless, knowing that today's incident was not going to be explained away.

He was also feeling weird inside.

What was this sensation of feeling like a husband caught doing something bad by his wife?

But Su Qingyan wasn't his wife at all!

"Miss Su, did you come here today for something?" After a few awkward minutes, Chen Fan was the first to break the silence.

Su Qingyan glanced at Chen Fan, her demeanor lofty yet somewhat embarrassed, "Are you busy tonight?"

"No," Chen Fan replied.

"Come have a drink with me." Su Qingyan stood up and started walking out.


Green Fox Bar.

Chen Fan and Su Qingyan sat at the bar.

Su Qingyan was downing her drinks one after another.

Chen Fan, on the other hand, was watching the central dance floor where a ring had been set up and two muscular men were fighting.

This was a special feature of the Green Fox Bar.

A group of handsome men and pretty women were excitedly shouting around the ring.

Chen Fan found it somewhat boring.

Too weak.

He turned to look at Su Qingyan and saw that she was already a bit drunk, and asked with concern, "Miss Su, do you have something on your mind?"

Su Qingyan showed a drunken smile, "What if I do? I brought you here to drive me later, don't ask what you shouldn't."

Chen Fan didn't mind Su Qingyan's attitude at all, "Miss Su, you can share what's troubling you, perhaps I can help you out."

Su Qingyan gave Chen Fan a mocking look, "You'll help me? Fine then, I need to raise Qingyan Pharmaceuticals' market value to ten billion within three months, can you help with that?"

Chen Fan was startled.

Just the thought of spending three thousand on medicinal herbs had pained him all day; ten billion was a truly astronomical figure for him.

However, after a brief reflection, he felt the task wasn't so daunting after all, since he now had the inheritance of the Jiuyou Immortal Emperor.

"As far as I know, any company's market value is linked to its products. If Qingyan Pharmaceuticals could launch a blockbuster drug, couldn't the market value reach ten billion in a short time?" Chen Fan asked seriously.

"Yes," Su Qingyan took another drink, "But to develop such a drug, let alone three months, even three or ten years might not be enough to come up with something."

Chen Fan smiled, turned to get a pen and paper from the server, wrote down a prescription, and handed it to Su Qingyan.

"This prescription is for the Youth-Preserving Pill; it can improve skin condition and significantly enhance one's looks. Given how much girls want to look beautiful nowadays, shouldn't it be easy to become a blockbuster?"

Su Qingyan glanced at the prescription and chuckled.

Her company had launched several beauty and skincare products, but none were very effective; after all, a drug that could truly enhance someone's looks did not exist.

But seeing Chen Fan's earnest expression, she didn't want to dismiss his suggestion, so she took the prescription, "Okay, I'll have them try it out."

Just then, a tall, presence-commanding young man with a buzz cut walked over to Su Qingyan with a drink in hand.

"Beauty, it's so boring to drink alone, why don't you play with me?" The young man's face carried a bad smile, "I guarantee you'll have the time of your life."

People around exclaimed, "It's the Boxing King of Green Fox Bar, Zhang Sheng!"

Su Qingyan turned her head and gave Zhang Sheng a glance, a trace of disgust flickering in her eyes.

She moved closer to Chen Fan and slipped her hand through his arm, "You'll have to ask if my boyfriend minds."