Chapter 71 Can I Borrow Your Boyfriend for a Day?

Chen Fan was dumbfounded.

He was a bit unsure whether this seemingly harmless girl genuinely didn't understand or was pretending.

Shen Lingdie scrutinized Chen Fan, "Did I say something wrong?"

Chen Fan awkwardly laughed, "Well, no. Do you really want to know the specifics?"

Shen Lingdie nodded.

Chen Fan leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "It's like..."

Shen Lingdie blushed after hearing this, but quickly regained her composure, "I understand now."

Chen Fan was extremely surprised inside, not having expected Su Qingyan's close friend to be so composed. If it had been Su Qingyan, by now she would probably have thrown a pillow at his face.

Shen Lingdie stood up, walked over to the stairs, and tapped on the banister.

Soon, Su Qingyan appeared at the top of the stairs, arms crossed and with an icy expression.

Chen Fan immediately walked over, "Qingyan..."

Su Qingyan spoke sharply, "Stop right there!"

Chen Fan stopped in his tracks, his face a picture of helplessness.