Chapter 115 Qinghuan Admires You

Lu Qinghuan exclaimed, "Chen Fan!"

Lu Qiuyang also quietly sighed in relief, "This kid's ability is really something, actually making it out alive."

Chen Fan came in front of the two, "Let's get out of here."

Only once they were outside the cave did Lu Qiuyang ask with curiosity, "Did you reach the end?"

Chen Fan nodded.

Lu Qiuyang was shocked, knowing that even his father could only venture in as far as two hundred meters.

Yet Chen Fan, a Grandmaster, had actually made it to the end, this was truly beyond belief.

"What's at the end of the cave?" Lu Qinghuan asked with wide, curious eyes.

Chen Fan started to smile, "I can't tell you now, but what I can confirm is that your Lu Family will encounter a stroke of fortune. In one month, you will start to get a steady flow of Xuanming Stone, and the quantity will be much more than before."

"What! The cave will produce Xuanming Stones again in a month?" Lu Qiuyang exclaimed in shock.