Chapter 150 Tastes good!

"It's Mayor Jiang!" someone exclaimed.

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded, cold sweat pouring from his forehead as his legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Ma... Mayor Jiang, what brings you here?" he stooped forward as he approached Jiang Mingzhe.

"If I didn't come now, would you really have torn down the welfare institute!" Jiang Mingzhe chastised.

He took the documents from the man's hands and demanded, "Who stamped this approval on it!"

The middle-aged man swallowed, "Mayor Jiang, things aren't really what you think..."

Jiang Mingzhe raised his voice, "I'm asking you who stamped it!"

The man shuddered and eventually lowered his head, "It... it was Director Zhang."

Jiang Mingzhe hurled the documents at the man's face, "Are you trying to rebel or what!"

The man's voice became as tiny as a mosquito's, "Mayor Jiang, we were actually planning to tell you about this today, but Director Zhang must have forgotten..."