Chapter 165 Evidence

Alarm sounds were transmitted from the skies above the War Zone.

Clearly, Chen Fan's shout had triggered the alarm system of the War Zone.

All warriors were instantly in action as if facing a formidable enemy.

Xiao Yun, Hu Feng, and Yang Wei, the three War Kings who had been in a meeting, quickly rushed toward the source of the sound.

Captain Xing's ears were buzzing from the shout, and he stood there dazed, "What... What kind of method is this? I fear even War God Xiao couldn't do this, right?"

The Lu Family father and son were also stupefied on the spot.

They had thought that as long as Captain Xing did not inform Xiao Yun and directly jailed him, Chen Fan would have no chance to seek Xiao Yun's support.

Who would have thought that Chen Fan could resort to such a tactic?

"Is... Is this guy even human?" Lu Siyu said in a daze.