Chapter 175: Instruction


All the passengers on the bus were stunned.

They stared at the unscathed Chen Fan, many of them thinking they were hallucinating.

"The bullet... was blocked by him?"

"Is this a TV shoot? But I don't see anyone with a camera."

"The human body blocking bullets, I heard my grandfather talk about it. Those who practice martial arts can reach a certain realm where they can block bullets. This... is actually real!"


Chen Fan looked at the reactions of the people on the bus and muttered to himself, "It seems I can't continue to take the bus anymore."

He glanced at the fallen thugs who had lost their ability to move and said to the passengers, "Please take these criminals to the police station."

Then he looked at the driver, "Please open the door."

The driver did not dare to delay and quickly opened the bus door.

Chen Fan got off the bus, stopped a taxi on the roadside, and continued towards the Martial Arts Association.