Chapter 282 Blind Date

"This damned Chen Fan, he's the reason I went from being the County Chief Assistant to a driver, and now even my family's people are laughing at me. I can't sleep at night until I get my revenge! Today, I must teach him a lesson!" Chen Junhao gritted his teeth in anger.

Zhao Chunlan was also fuming with anger, "That's right. Chen Fan is clearly a loser, yet we're the ones living in misery. How dare he have it so good? I'm starting to suspect he did something to the Chen family's ancestral grave, stealing the luck that was meant for you."

Chen Junhao inwardly agreed, saying, "But the guy has built up so much power, it's impossible for us to confront him directly now. However, stirring up some trouble for him behind his back and giving him a hard time, that we can certainly do."

"I saw Chen Fan and his mom heading out earlier, so there's nobody in the villa right now. Let's go smash their windows. If we can't live in such a nice villa, then they shouldn't get to enjoy it either!"