Chapter 311 Drinking Water

The two of them came to the room.

Shen Lingdie brought a cup of water that had already been prepared to Chen Fan, "Here, drink up."

Chen Fan looked at Shen Lingdie with a puzzled expression and asked, "What's gotten into you?"

Shen Lingdie smiled sheepishly, "Just looking out for you."

Chen Fan knew this girl's thoughts often differed from others and didn't think too much of it. He said, "Put it on the table, I'll drink it later."

Shen Lingdie thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I'll go get ready too."

Chen Fan asked, "Get ready for what?"

Shen Lingdie's eyes curved into crescent moons, "To sleep!"

Then she turned and left.

Chen Fan couldn't help but smile wryly, thinking that this girl really was unpredictable.

Having the strong smell of roasted mutton skewers on him, he decided to take a bath and change clothes.

Just then, a knock on the door sounded, and Shen Ronghua's voice came through: "Master Chen, have you gone to bed yet?"

"Not yet," Chen Fan replied.