Chapter 321 Assassination

"These people aren't here to maintain public order, they're actually here to assassinate Liu Yunxi," Chen Fan slightly frowned.

Seeing that Chen Fan had not responded, Li Wei became even more irritated and raised his voice, "I said I want to duel with you, did you hear me!"

Chen Fan turned his head and glanced at him, saying, "Sorry, I'm not in the mood."

Then he stood up, planning to inform Liu Yunxi that someone was out to assassinate her.

But before he could leave, Liu Yunxi had already run over towards him with her dress lifted.

When Li Wei saw Liu Yunxi running over, he temporarily shelved the idea of dueling with Chen Fan and tried to force a smile as he greeted her, "Yunxi..."

Liu Yunxi completely ignored him, ran up to Chen Fan, and asked excitedly, "Chen Fan, did you like the song I just sang?"

Chen Fan replied perfunctorily, "It was nice, very nice. You're just in time, I have something to tell you."

Liu Yunxi showed a hint of confusion, "What is it?"