Chapter 331 Taiyi Ancestor's Shock

Chen Fan took steps towards Taiyi Ancestor, "Old fool, kneel down and beg for mercy now, and I might spare your life!"

Taiyi Ancestor ignored the cold light from before, thinking it was just Chen Fan's attack gone awry, and snorted coldly, "Boy, you're really clueless about your impending death. Take my hammer!"

He brought down his hammer forcefully towards Chen Fan.

However, the earth-shattering strike that was expected did not occur.

Taiyi Ancestor's hand froze mid-air, his face filled with confusion, "Where is the power I infused into the hammer? Why didn't it manifest?"

At that moment, his divine hammer, forged from millennium black iron, suddenly split in two, falling to the ground with its broken surfaces smooth as mirrors.

Taiyi Ancestor's complexion drastically changed, "My hammer! My hammer!"

The cold light returned to Chen Fan, circling slowly around his body.

It was then that Taiyi Ancestor clearly saw that Chen Fan was holding a small gourd in his hand.