Chapter 6: Get Married!


Since when did President Lin have a fiancé?

Everyone was at a loss, their gazes instantly converged on Lin Qingya.

Lin Changshan was even more shocked; as far as he knew, after his niece returned from overseas to take charge of Lin Corporation, she was bogged down with myriad tasks every day and had no time for dating.

Where did this fiancé come from?

Sitting in the main seat, Old Mr. Lin's eyes flickered with a hint of peculiarity, then he lifted his head and asked, "Qingya, you have a fiancé, why haven't I heard you mention this before?"

Lin Changshan quickly took over the conversation, saying, "Yes! You've never mentioned it before..."

"Not mentioning it doesn't mean there isn't one!"

Lin Qingya replied indifferently: "We've known each other for some time and felt that we were quite suited for each other, so we confirmed our relationship. Is there a problem with a boyfriend and girlfriend meeting at a hotel?"

"Of course, there is a problem!"

Lin Changshan spoke persistently and annoyingly: "You said it yourself, he's your fiancé. As long as you are not married, your relationship is scandalous!"

Old Mr. Lin in the main seat nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "Changshan makes sense."

Lin Qingya's eyebrows slightly furrowed, "Grandfather, you mean..."

"Get married!"

Old Mr. Lin spoke up: "Once you are married and have the certificate, all rumors targeting you and our Lin Corporation will collapse without being attacked!"

This is bad!

This has gone too far!

Lin Qingya's heart trembled, cold sweat beading on her forehead. She had intended to stall with the fiancé excuse, but she didn't expect to have dug a hole for herself.

Seeing that Lin Qingya remained silent, Lin Changshan's eyes gleamed shrewdly, and he said with a sneer, "Qingya, don't tell me you made up some fiancé on the spot just to keep the CEO position, deceiving the chairman and all the directors here?"

The moment these words were spoken, the scene erupted into noisy discussions once more.

Lin Qingya's lips trembled slightly, ignoring Lin Changshan, she looked at Old Mr. Lin, and forced herself to speak calmly, "Grandfather, I'm only twenty-three years old, still young, the company's development..."

"Twenty-three is not young. With rumors flying everywhere, getting married now would be the greatest contribution to the company's development!"

Old Mr. Lin leaned on his cane and continued, "Five days. I'll give you five days to get the marriage certificate. As for the wedding, it can be held later; that's not a problem."

"Okay, today's meeting is adjourned. Everyone can leave."

Having said that, he didn't give Lin Qingya a chance to retort and ended the meeting directly.


After leaving the board meeting, Lin Qingya returned to her office.

She pinched the bridge of her nose, her stunning cheeks filled with helplessness.

She hadn't expected her life's big event to be decided just like that...

"Knock! Knock!"

There was a knocking at the door. Secretary Yan walked in, and upon entering, she locked the door and said solemnly, "Miss, I've found the person you asked me to investigate."

"His name is Han Yu, twenty-eight years old, an orphan. He lived in the north city's Love Welfare Home until he was five, then was adopted by a couple in Heqiao Town. He attended elementary and middle school there and later was admitted to Jinling University to study business administration."

"After graduating from college, he joined the military, and that lasted for six years, until he was discharged last September. He's currently delivering food for a company called 'Hungry Delivery' on Wenlan Road. Based on the information we've gathered, this man's character is decent, and he's genuinely straightforward and sincere."

"Oh, right!"

Seemingly remembering something, Yan continued her report, "He also has a girlfriend named Li Mengting, quite materialistic and not very discreet in her personal life. She's cheated on Han Yu multiple times."

"Recently, she's hooked up with Guo Zhenwei, son of the owner of Guo's Building Materials City which has cooperated with our corporation for many years..."

Listening to her secretary's report, Lin Qingya rubbed her forehead and only spoke when the other party fell silent, "His phone number!"

"Ah? Oh, yes, I have it."

Yan hurriedly recited the phone number.

Lin Qingya dialed the number straight away.

Beep Beep Beep...

After three busy tones, the call connected.

"Hello, who is this?"

On the other end of the phone, the man's familiar voice rang out, now with an added tiredness and defeat.

"It's me, Lin Qingya."

Suppressing the rage inside her, Lin Qingya commanded, "Bring your ID card and household registration booklet, and in half an hour, meet me at the Civil Affairs Bureau on Wenyuan Road!"

At this moment, Han Yu was racing to the delivery station on his electric scooter.

Even with a brain tumor, life had to go on.

Receiving the call from Lin Qingya, Han Yu was stunned on the spot.

ID card?

Household registration booklet?

Civil Affairs Bureau?

What on earth was Miss Lin planning to do?

Could it be she wanted to marry me?

That's a joke!

"I'll repeat it! Bring your ID card and household registration booklet, and in half an hour, meet me at the Civil Affairs Bureau on Wenyuan Road!"

"We're getting married!"

Seeing that the person on the phone didn't respond, Lin Qingya repeated herself in a low voice.

If she had a choice, she would never marry a man who retired from service to deliver food.

But now, there was no alternative. She could only follow her grandfather's wish and register her marriage with Han Yu. Once everything settled down, she'd silently handle the divorce.

This was the only solution she could think of.

Of course, her marriage with Han Yu would be fake; there was no way she'd let this man touch her again!

The reply from Han Yu came quickly on the other end, "Sorry, I refuse."

"I have to work, nothing else, bye."

With that, without waiting for Lin Qingya to speak, he hung up the phone.


He hung up the phone?

He actually hung up on me!!!

At that moment, Lin Qingya was both furious and frustrated.

It has always been me, Lin Qingya, who hangs up on others, never the other way around!

Moreover, this bastard did something so outrageous to me yesterday!

You have the audacity to refuse to marry me?



"Work? I'll make sure you don't have a job!"

Clenching her red lips, Lin Qingya instructed her secretary firmly, "Yan, immediately contact the 'Hungry Delivery' company on Wenlan Road and buy it out at all costs!"

"Also, arrange for a car right away!"
