Chapter 14: Rebellion!

At two-thirty in the afternoon, Jinling City People's Hospital, Oncology Department on the seventh floor.

Doctor Liu, dressed in a white lab coat, repeatedly compared two CT images.

The image on the left was taken five days ago: the shadow was roughly two centimeters, a malignant tumor, clearly in an advanced stage.

The image on the right, the latest result, showed the shadow had shrunk to only about zero point seven centimeters and looked more like a nodule.

Seeing Doctor Liu remaining silent, Han Yu anxiously asked, "Doctor, you've been looking for such a long time, what is the result exactly?"

"Strange! Very strange!"

Doctor Liu took off his glasses from the bridge of his nose, placed them on the table, and shook his head in bewilderment, "Based on the previous images, you definitely had late-stage brain cancer."

"But the images taken today show a small nodule, not like a malignant tumor."

"For a malignant tumor to turn into a nodule in five days... I've been a doctor for more than thirty years and this is the first time I've encountered such a case."

"Could the images have been mixed up?"


The "Heavenly Mystery Record" really works!

Han Yu clenched his hands unconsciously, his eyes filled with hope.

He firmly believed that as long as he diligently practiced the "Heavenly Mystery Record," the nodule in his head would surely disappear!

Meanwhile, at Chuanxin Building, in the Sky Garden on the fifty-sixth floor, the meeting hall was filled with people.

Unlike the temporary board meeting previously held, today was the official executive meeting, and all shareholders and senior managers had arrived at the venue.

Lin Changshan, the company's finance director, was in a very good mood today; he was the first to arrive in the meeting room, sitting with legs crossed, drinking tea, and looking relaxed and comfortable.

The shareholders who had been happily gathering at his villa last night also crowded around, starting to flatter him:

"That little girl Lin Qingya, daring to contend with President Lin? She's absolutely overestimating herself!"

"After today, Lin Qingya will certainly step down. Looking at the entire Lin Corporation, only President Lin is fit for the CEO position!"

"Here, let's all raise our cups, as if they were glasses of wine, to President Lin in advance, and congratulate him on reclaiming the CEO position!"

"Director Chen's suggestion is excellent, everyone, let's drink together!"

As they spoke, the shareholders all picked up their tea cups.

"Ah... don't say that, everyone. The power to appoint and dismiss is in Old Mr. Lin's hands, and without his command, this new CEO position is still uncertain."

Lin Changshan chuckled and said, "However, Qingya's position as CEO definitely cannot be preserved. Just because of that little mishap of hers, the company's stock has already dropped by three percentage points, and with the previous bad debt from Tianlong Commerce Chamber, the corporation has suffered heavy losses recently."

Bald Wang Xinfa, holding his tea cup, sycophantically chimed in, "That's why we need President Lin to stand up and take charge. Lin Corporation can only return to glory under President Lin's leadership, and we'll all make money then."

"Everyone agrees, right?"

It had to be said, Wang Xinfa was indeed good at stirring up the atmosphere. His remarks instantly heated up the meeting room again, making it as noisy as a marketplace for those unaware of the context.

Just then, Lin Qingya, the current Executive CEO of Lin Corporation, walked into the meeting room with high heels clicking, accompanied by her secretary Yan Li, her face an impassive mask.

Seeing more than a dozen shareholders gathered around her uncle, Lin Changshan, chatting and laughing, her delicate eyebrows slightly furrowed. She knew that today's meeting would not be easy to get through.

At two fifty-eight in the afternoon, Old Mr. Lin arrived at the meeting room with the support of his cane. After sitting in the main seat, he glanced over his granddaughter, Lin Qingya, and began, "Today is this month's regular meeting. As usual, we will report last month's status from left to right."

Department heads began to report in turn, picking up their reports and materials to start.

Half an hour later, it was the turn of the head of the finance department, Lin Changshan. He stood up from his chair and briefly reported the group's revenue for the month. Then he took out a document and said to everyone, "Last month, our group's revenue was quite optimistic, and the stock price was relatively stable. However!"

His tone shifted as he turned his gaze to Lin Qingya and continued, "But ever since Qingya's incident, the company's stock price has been sliding downward! Thankfully, there was a weekend in between, or the stock price would have dropped more than just three points!"

"Chairman, I suggest we handle this matter as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will inevitably cause more serious impacts on the company's future development! The stock price would drop much more than just three points!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the meeting room buzzed with chatter:

"Our Lin Corporation has a market value of forty billion, and a three-point drop is twelve billion gone!"

"Twelve billion! How many projects would it take to earn that back?"

"Director Lin is right. If we don't handle this quickly, the future losses will be much more than twelve billion!"

"These past few days, the news has been everywhere, claiming our Lin Corporation's female CEO is promiscuous, and that the projects she negotiated were all secured by bartering her body!"

"How else can we deal with this? In my opinion, changing the CEO is the only way to weather this storm!"

As the meeting room grew more and more noisy, Old Mr. Lin banged his cane, quieting down the room. He looked at Lin Qingya with a serious voice and asked, "Qingya, about the matter I asked you to handle last time, how did it go? Did you get the marriage certificate?"

Previously, at the temporary board meeting, Lin Qingya, to address the crisis, introduced a fake fiancé.

But Old Mr. Lin was even more ruthless. He actually asked Lin Qingya to get the marriage certificate with the other party first, without giving her a chance to object.

Lin Qingya had no choice but to go to Han Yu, trying to arrange a sham marriage with him.

But Han Yu, who happened to be terminally ill, resolutely refused her.

As Old Mr. Lin's words ended, all the shareholders present focused their attention on Lin Qingya, awaiting her response.

However, at that moment, Lin Changshan stood with his arms folded, a look of mockery on his face.

That morning, his assistant, Li Chao, had called him, saying that Han Yu had personally admitted to having no relationship with Lin Qingya.

Lin Qingya now had only two choices, either to confess or to arrange for someone else.

If Lin Qingya confessed, Lin Changshan would be able to use her failure to fulfill Old Mr. Lin's task as a reason to demand her resignation!

If Lin Qingya arranged for someone else, she would fall right into Lin Changshan's trap. Before coming here, Lin Changshan had already gathered all the information about Han Yu, the man who entered Lin Qingya's room that night, and had even prepared a PPT about their relationship.

If Lin Qingya dared to play a bait-and-switch, he would open the PPT on the big screen and publicly expose Lin Qingya's tricks.

By then, without even speaking, Elder Lin would directly ask Lin Qingya to step down!

Whichever way it went, Lin Qingya was facing a no-win situation today.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Lin Qingya's body trembled slightly. She took a deep breath and forced a smile, saying, "Grandpa, actually, this matter doesn't need a marriage certificate or a wedding."

"I've already arranged for people to suppress the trending searches. I believe it won't take long for things to calm down."

As she spoke, she took out the prepared materials from her bag and handed them over, continuing, "These are the development projects I've negotiated. Although they are not large, each only a few tens of millions, they are all municipal projects. As long as we announce these on the official website, I believe the stock price will definitely recover..."