Chapter 16: Pretending?


Upon hearing this, everyone turned in unison to see a man in his thirties, dressed quite plainly, even somewhat shabbily, bursting in.

Lin Qingya also looked over at this moment, and the person who had come was none other than Han Yu, with whom she had shared an intimate encounter that night!

Why had he come?

Wasn't he suffering from a terminal illness and had been locked in his room for several days?

When Lin Qingya saw Yan, who was following behind him, a hint of a smile appeared on her face.

If she wasn't wrong, then it must have been Yan who had called Han Yu. That girl was really taking things into her own hands...

Old Mr. Lin, who was sitting in the main seat, saw Han Yu come in and opened his half-closed eyes slightly, the corners of his mouth hinting at a faint smile.

Lin Changshan and his loyal personnel were not pleased.