Chapter 31: So close, yet so far!

Just then, a dazzling reflective glare shone on the bewildered face of Tang Tianlong.

"Not good!"

Years of military experience had given Han Yu a sense of danger.

Without time to explain, he made a move like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey, slamming Tang Tianlong to the ground.


A special bullet came from hundreds of meters away on high ground, instantly piercing through the bulletproof glass and shattering the teaware on the coffee table.

If Han Yu hadn't knocked Tang Tianlong down in time, his head would probably have "blossomed."

"What are you doing! Let go of President Tang!"

Because the bullet had come so fast, the bodyguards hadn't seen it coming, thinking Han Yu had gone mad and wanted to attack President Tang, so they hurriedly rushed over.


In the next second!

Bang bang!

Two gunshots rang out in succession, and the two charging bodyguards fell to the ground, their heads blossoming on impact.