Chapter 129: Undermining

After a round of cordial greetings, Tang Tianlong summoned the waiter to serve the dishes, intending to have a couple of good drinks with Han Yu.

He was in high spirits today as the Feihu Commerce Chamber had lost three key members, especially the second-in-command and brain trust Wu Xinkai. With this guy's death, the threat the Feihu Commerce Chamber posed to him had significantly diminished.

More importantly, he and Han Yu had reached an agreement. With Han Yu's help, there was a great chance to completely wipe out the Feihu Commerce Chamber!

"Tang, I truly appreciate the kind offer,"

However, Han Yu declined as he explained truthfully, "I want to go back and check on my foster mother. She's alone in the rental place, and I'm worried that someone might target her..."


Tang Tianlong nodded in agreement, saying, "Indeed, we must be careful about this matter!"

"Both Pang Feihu and Su Hongtao are ruthless. They act without any bottom line, especially Su Hongtao!"