Chapter 144: Expert Shapi

The man who fired the gun was called Shapi. He was always careful and cautious in his actions. When he didn't hear a reply from Skinny Monkey, he immediately sensed something was wrong—there was a high likelihood that something had happened.

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, determined to kill the opposition.

In fact, his feeling was right, and there was no issue with the direction in which the bullets were fired.

If it had been an ordinary person, at least two out of the three shots would have hit, but Han Yu was no ordinary person. He was a top-ranked soldier. The moment the other party pulled the trigger, he had already picked up Skinny Monkey's body to block the bullets.

Poor Skinny Monkey had only passed out a moment before, but now he was sent to his death by three direct shots from his own comrade.

Almost simultaneously, Han Yu darted out like lightning. He picked up a flashlight from the ground and, with a fierce flick of his wrist, hurled it towards Shapi.