Chapter 177: We Have a Common Enemy!

In the Audi.

As soon as Han Yu got in the car, he was stunned, for sitting in the back seat was an old acquaintance — it was Tang Tianlong, Chairman of the Tianlong Commerce Chamber.

"Tang, how come you're here?"

His expression showed some surprise, but he quickly came to a realization, and with a wry smile and a shake of his head, he said, "If I'm not mistaken, it was you, Tang, who asked Lord Yue for help, right?"

Tang Tianlong gave a slight smile and gestured for Secretary Yu to get in the car first before he said with a smile, "It's not really about helping, I just mentioned some things about Han to Lord Yue. He took an interest in you and wanted to meet you. When he looked into it, he found out that you were caught by Bai Jing of the Third Squadron, so he had Secretary Yu and I come to pick you up."

"You know, those of us in this line of work, we're terrified of getting inside a place like that, so I just waited outside and let Secretary Yu go in."