Chapter 181: The Origins of Pang Feihu

Han Yu didn't know much about Pang Feihu, only that he was the founder and boss of Feihu Commerce Chamber. In Jinling City's underworld, his influence was extremely vast, his business bigger than Tang Tianlong's, and with considerably more underlings. Over the years, he had consistently had the upper hand over Tang Tianlong.

Upon hearing Song Hanbo's words, Han Yu offered a wry smile and said, "Old Mr. Song, Lord Yue, if you want to understand Pang Feihu, you should be asking Tang Tianlong. They've been at each other's throats for over a decade. In the whole Jinling City, probably only Tang has the true measure of Pang Feihu's capabilities."

"As for me, I'm just an insignificant pawn..."

Yue Hengsong shook his head, his eyes intently fixed on Han Yu as he said earnestly, "No, you are not just any insignificant pawn!"

"The downfall of Feihu Commerce Chamber was orchestrated by you! To put it precisely, Pang Feihu died because of you!"