Chapter 232: Being Despised

Hearing that Du Xitao was going to buy a house for her, Li Mengting's eyes lit up.

Star Moon Bay is a property developed in the East City New District. The internal environment of the community is very nice, and its price is a few thousand yuan higher than the nearby properties; relatively speaking, the grade is higher.

Most importantly, buying a house in front of Han Yu made her feel ecstatic.

You see, Han Yu and she had dated for a few months, and they were practically at the point of discussing marriage. Back then, Li Mengting had mentioned that they had to buy a house to get married!

For this, Han Yu took out his retirement fund of 300,000 yuan, added another 200,000 yuan from his foster mother, and scraped together 500,000 yuan, but they were still 200,000 yuan short for the down payment.

In order to gather the full down payment, Han Yu delivered takeout day and night, often running for sixteen or seventeen hours a day, living like a dog.