Chapter 243: Detonation


Since his identity had been exposed, Song Zhiyou no longer bothered to pretend. He shook his head, his eyes fierce and vicious as he glared at Song Hanbo, desperately venting the frustration pent up in his heart, "Ask this old geezer when he ever treated me like family!"

"In name, I'm his son, Song Hanbo's son, but in reality? I'm nothing but his lapdog, summoned at will and dismissed just as easily!"

"Every year, the dividends he gives me don't even amount to two million! Everyone else gets at least ten million! Especially you, Song Yan'er,—do you know how much the old man gives you for the New Year's dividends?"

"A whole billion! An entire billion! He even opened a card specifically for you, and it already has sixteen billion in it!"

"I've worked myself to death for the company for so many years, and I haven't even earned a tenth of what you have!"