Chapter 253: Jerk Han Yu?

If it were any other time, Han Yu would have picked up the phone without hesitation, but now that he was acting as Tang Yiyi's temporary boyfriend, he felt a bit uneasy, as if he were betraying her.

Just now, he was wondering if Lin Qingya would blow up if she found out he agreed to be Tang Yiyi's temporary boyfriend when she called. It was as if whatever he feared most had inevitably happened.

"Fifty years later?"

Tang Yiyi heard the ringtone, her elegant eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she pouted, lowering her voice unhappily, "Is it your wife calling?"

Han Yu nodded and chuckled wryly, "That... Qingya probably needs something from me."

As he spoke, he put his palms together, made an apologetic gesture, and asked, "Can I take the call first?"