Chapter 274: Kicked an Iron Plate!

Han Yu!

It is really Han Yu! There's absolutely no mistaking it!

Jin Xiaohu had once witnessed the entire process of Han Yu fighting Liang Chao from the Thousand Hands Sect at the Jin Yi Martial Arts Hall!

Liang Chao was a Martial Master of the second level. Even my master, Qu, wouldn't dare to underestimate him; Liang had even set the record of forty-nine wins in succession on the fighting stage.

Yet even this terrifyingly powerful existence was brutally beaten by Han Yu on the stage, left without the power to fight back!

Even after Liang Chao had specially taken a Special Effect Pill to forcibly increase his power to the third level of the Martial Master Realm, he was still no match for Han Yu and ended up being sent directly to the ICU for emergency treatment.

And now Zhou Rui is sending me to fight Han Yu, isn't this like looking for death in a cesspit?