Chapter 441: The Sima Yi of Ito Financial Group

Tang Tianlong was the Chairman of the Tianlong Commerce Chamber, commanding thousands of subordinates that encompassed all kinds of riffraff from various strata, so it was possible that within these ranks someone might recognize the place where Lin Qingya was being held captive.

As long as the exact location where Lin Qingya was being held was found, Han Yu wouldn't be so passive, and he might even have the chance to turn the tables and go on the offensive!

As for the second matter, besides making Ito Ryufu's life miserable, it was more important to force him into the open!

All this time, Ito Ryufu had been operating from behind the scenes, and the affairs of the corporation were managed by his son, Ito Fumita. Even when trouble arose, Ito Ryufu would pass the buck to his son or his subordinates.