Chapter 1, Three Years of True Feelings Gone to the Dogs!

"Zhou Yang, your three-year term is up—time for your release!"

In Yuncheng No. 8 Prison, the prison guard opened the cell door.

Zhou Yang knelt down to say goodbye to the disheveled elderly man, "Thank you, sir, for teaching me the Divine Medical Skills. When you get released, Zhou Yang will certainly greet you with a fleet of luxury cars to welcome and honor you!"

Ha ha ha...

The old man leaned against the wall, playing with a clump of dirt, laughing heartily.

"Kid, do you really think that everything you own out there still belongs to you?"

"In these three years, only your ex-girlfriend Su Xue has come to see you. Why hasn't your wife, who's in control of your ten billion fortune, ever visited?"

At these words, Zhou Yang felt a jolt in his heart.

"We are fated to meet. I'll give you one more thing—now get lost!"

The old man took out a token from his chest and threw it to Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang knew full well the powerful energy of the token, and he hurriedly caught it, gratefully bowing his head to the old man before following the prison guard to leave.

He walked out of the prison's main gate.

To his surprise, he saw a familiar figure not far off, wearing a white long dress, with her long hair draped over her shoulders, still pure and beautiful.

"Su Xue..."

Three years ago, he got drunk and inappropriately got involved with his secretary Li Ya, who claimed she was pregnant. Out of responsibility, he had no choice but to break up with his girlfriend Su Xue and marry Li Ya.

Li Ya, responsible for the finances, had been caught embezzling and committing tax evasion. For the sake of the child, he transferred his shareholding to Li Ya, letting her manage the company in his stead.

And he, served three years in prison for his wife.

Towards Su Xue, he felt immense guilt.

"Xue, I didn't expect you to come pick me up, I'm sorry..."


Su Xue responded with a loud slap, angrily scolding him:

"You abandoned me three years ago. This slap is what you owed me. I held back until today because I was afraid you'd hit your head and die in jail, ending up a good-for-nothing ghost!"

"I accept your apology, but I will not choose to forgive you!"

Zhou Yang sensed a crisis in her words and urgently asked, "Xue, tell me, what exactly happened?"

"Someone broke your dad's legs, gave you this poor bugger a hundred bucks for travel expenses. Hurry back and see for yourself the mess you've created!"

"From now on, I never want to see you again!"

Su Xue took out a hundred yuan, threw it on the ground, and rode off mercilessly on her electric scooter.

Zhou Yang stood there in shock, his rage boiling over, his eyes bloodshot.

"Whoever broke my dad's legs, I'll crush their bones to pieces!"

He hailed a taxi that happened to be passing by, heading to his parents' place.

The taxi passed the familiar vegetable market.

Through the car window, Zhou Yang saw a familiar figure squatting by the vegetable stall, picking through discarded leaves.


This frail and hunched figure looked very much like his mother Wang Lanzhi, only more aged and humiliated, being pushed around like livestock.

"Stop the car!"

Zhou Yang refused to believe the person before him was his mother!

He hurriedly paid seventy yuan in fare, pushed open the car door, and quickly walked over.

Wang Lanzhi put the vegetables in her basket and walked to the butcher's stall, "Boss, I'd like to buy three yuan's worth of meat."

The butcher laughed out loud.

"Old beggar picking vegetable leaves all day and still dreaming of eating meat? I can't be bothered to even pick up my knife for three yuan."

Wang Lanzhi clutched a handful of bills, money earned from picking through trash, and said pitifully, "My son is coming home today, I want to cook him something nice. Boss, I'll even take the unwanted pig skin..."

The butcher picked up his knife, chopped it down on the cutting board, and said irritably, "Not even pig hair left, scram, don't interfere with my business!"

Wang Lanzhi took a frightened step back.

Her son had been framed and imprisoned, and his father, afraid she would cry upon seeing him, had never allowed her to visit in prison.

Day and night she yearned for him, and now that her son was finally out of prison, she couldn't even afford to cook him a meat dish, feeling both self-blame and guilt.

Wang Lanzhi turned around and froze when she saw Zhou Yang.

"My son?"


Tears streaming down like a broken dam, Zhou Yang knelt with a thud.

Some people recognized Zhou Yang and began to gossip.

"Isn't that Zhou Yang? He used to be quite the wealthy big shot; look how wretched he is now!"

"I heard his wife conspired with her family to deceive him. The fool willingly went to prison for his wife, but in the end, he lost his child, his company, and now his family's so poor they pick vegetable leaves to eat. How stupid!"

"They say his parents got conned into taking out high-interest loans to get him out of prison, and even his dad's leg got broken. Living like this is just pathetic!"

Surrounded by murmuring crowds, Wang Lanzhi felt utterly ashamed.

It was a heart-wrenching pain for Zhou Yang as well. He raised his tearful eyes and asked, "Mom, is it true what they're saying, that Dad's leg was broken by someone?"

Wiping away tears, Wang Lanzhi nodded miserably and explained everything to her son.

"Li Ya said she could help you get out of prison early, but it would cost five hundred thousand to bribe the right people. After discussing it with your father, we mortgaged the house and borrowed five hundred thousand at a high interest rate to give to Li Ya."

"But you didn't get out early, and the five hundred thousand loan ballooned to a million. The debt collectors forced us out of the house, and when your father refused to leave, they broke one of his legs."

Listening, Zhou Yang felt a wrenching pain in his heart. That blood-sucking demon woman devoured three years of affection like a dog and still sought to ruthlessly destroy everything!

At that moment, Zhou Yang's father, Zhou Fugui, made a phone call.

After Wang Lanzhi answered, her hands trembled and her face turned ashen. She looked at her son and said, "They, they've come to collect the debt again..."

Enraged, Zhou Yang stood up abruptly and said, "Mom, I'll rush back first. If anyone dares touch my dad, I'll cripple them!"

His words had hardly faded when Zhou Yang sprinted towards home.

The crowd sighed sympathetically.

Li Ya and her family were total bastards, pushing people to the brink of death!


Ping'an Community.

The door was kicked open with a bang, knocking Zhou Fugui to the ground.

Hu, with a vicious look on his face, led four thugs inside, menacing and fierce.

"Zhou Fugui, last time Gang came and broke one of your legs, we gave your family three days to get lost. You still haven't left; do you want to lose the other leg too?"

As Hu spoke, he lifted his foot and stomped hard on Zhou Fugui's plastered leg.

The plaster shattered, and a piercing pain followed. Zhou Fugui screamed loudly, "You people are heartless, not fearing divine retribution. May heavens open their eyes!"

"You only have your son to blame for marrying such an unfilial daughter-in-law. She tasked Gang to squeeze every last penny from your family. Do you know why? She doesn't want your son to make a comeback!"

Hu laughed triumphantly and ordered, "Smash everything, and throw this old man out!"


Zhou Yang burst into the room, seeing his father tormented and screaming in agony tore his heart apart.

Hu turned sharply and sneered, "Who the hell are you, kid? Scram!"

"Touch my dad again, and you're dead!"

Zhou Yang kicked Hu in the stomach, sending him flying backwards into the wall, where he crashed and then fell to the ground.

Hu spat out a mouthful of blood, pointed at Zhou Yang with a bloody tooth, and ordered, "All of you, get him, kill him!"