Chapter 13, Provoked a Big Shot

"Everyone back off!"

The approaching security guards, startled, quickly stepped back.

The crowd, witnessing the arrival, didn't dare to make a sound, and even the most distinguished seven guests quietly rose to their feet out of respect.

Shen Jun, carrying a wine glass, walked over, elegant and dignified, sexy yet aloof, captivating with just one glance and making one sink into deep fascination with the second.

She cast a glance at Zhou Yang, a sly smile in her eyes as if to say, you still need my help, don't you?

Zhou Yang inwardly sighed.

With the appearance of this devil who was cold on the outside but playful at heart, things were only heating up.

Upon seeing Shen Jun, Xu Ming immediately felt emboldened.

Since she had personally called his dad to send an invitation, it meant his dad held some weight with this young lady. He hurriedly pushed through the crowd towards Shen Jun, wanting to show off in front of Su Xue and everyone else.

"Miss Shen, nice to meet you. My name is Xu Ming, son of Xu Wan. The misunderstanding was caused by this criminal intruding here... Please forgive us..."

He pointed at Zhou Yang, his speech trailing off.

Shen Jun's gaze turned icy as she asked Xu Ming, "Who is Xu Wan? And what are you?"

People snickered.

Xu Wan's underwear is nearly all lost, borrowing money everywhere, yet his son dares to show off in front of Miss Shen?


Only then did Xu Ming realize his old man had been bullshitting again, which scared him so much he took several steps back to the side, wishing he could burrow under the carpet to avoid the mocking glances of the crowd, hanging his head low, not daring to make another peep.

Zhang Dong said with a polite chuckle, "Director Shen, there's no need for you to trouble yourself with such a minor matter. I can handle it."

Shen Jun smiled and asked, "They were invited by me. How do you want to handle it?"

This... this criminal was invited by Miss Shen?

Zhang Dong was stunned, realising things were going south. He really wanted to slap himself for offending Miss Shen's guest, fearing his own path had come to an end!

Li Ya didn't recognize Shen Jun and scolded like reprimanding a servant, "Are you in charge of this banquet? How could you let this trash sneak into such a prestigious event? Get them out of here right now!"

Shen Jun looked at Li Ya as if watching a clown, smiled and asked, "Are you trying to tell me how to do my job?"

Zhou Yang didn't want to make a big scene and let this disgrace get out, saying, "Li Ya, you slapped Xue, I'll settle the score with you later! I advise you not to embarrass yourself here any further, just get lost!"

"Relying on a whore who serves plates to support you, and you forget who you are? Telling me to get lost? Are you even worthy?"

Li Ya narrowed her eyes with envy at the gorgeous Shen Jun and sneered, "Do you even know who I am, daring to bark at me? It looks like you're not wanting your job anymore!"

Shen Jun, sipping her wine gracefully, handed the glass to a server, stepped forward and slapped Li Ya across the face, very much in the style of Hong Sanbao.


Li Ya was struck to the ground by Shen Jun.

Shen Jun, shaking off her tingling hand, looked down at Li Ya and asked with a smile, "Now, do you know who you are? I'm slapping you, the ex-wife, on behalf of Zhou, to take the side of his ex-girlfriend, Miss Su. You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

Everyone was shocked.

Miss Shen actually referred to this criminal as Zhou... it must be... perhaps Miss Shen's toy boy?

The ex-girlfriend was pure and elegant, the ex-wife was savage and unruly, and the current girlfriend was sexy, noble, and domineering, each one so beautiful, damn it, his luck with women was just too good!

Su Xue was surprised, looking back and forth between Shen Jun and Zhou Yang, seeming to realize the problem and let go of Zhou Yang's arm, distancing herself.

Zhou Yang was helpless, unable to answer the doubts in Su Xue's eyes in front of everyone.

Li Ya, lying on the ground and covering her stinging face, lifted tearful eyes toward Zhang Dong and cried out, "Minister Zhang, did you see that? She's just a waitress at the banquet and she dared to hit me! Tell the hotel to fire her immediately, make her go to jail!"

Shen Jun smiled and inquired, "Minister Zhang, are you very familiar with her?"

Zhang Dong's legs went weak as he swallowed hard and shuffled aside, away from Li Ya, with an awkward smile, "Miss Shen, don't misunderstand, I'm not familiar with her, we've just had some contact through work."

Li Ya, not willing to give up, demanded, "Minister Zhang, are you scared of her, a waitress bitch?"

Zhang Dong's face changed, and he pointed at Li Ya, warning her, "I advise you to watch your mouth. If you want to die, don't drag me down with you!"

With so many people watching, if she didn't regain her face, how could Li Ya continue to live!

How could she mix in the business world!

"Then I'll call the general manager of Tianqi Group. I refuse to believe no one can deal with her!" Li Ya fumed as she dialed the phone.

"Want to play? Fine, I'll play with you to the end!" Shen Jun's smile was playful and taunting.

As Li Ya got through to General Manager Chang Yong, before she could even start to speak, a stern warning came from the phone, "I already know the situation. If you want to die, don't involve me!"

Li Ya was disappointed and anxiously asked, "She... who is she?"

"She is CEO Hong's cousin, one of the heads of investment attraction, Miss Shen! Moreover, you've angered someone you shouldn't have, someone important. You're too ignorant. Good luck!" Chang Yong finished speaking and hung up the phone directly.

Angered an important figure?

Li Ya quickly recalled but couldn't think of anyone she had offended.

The collaboration with Tianqi Group was the breakthrough opportunity for Sheng Guang Group, which she had obtained at great cost—how could she give it up so easily?

Li Ya forced a flattering smile and said, "Miss Shen, my apologies, my narrow vision prevented me from recognizing you. Please be lenient."

"Weren't you just now acting all high and mighty? Not calling for help anymore?" asked Shen Jun with an ironic laugh.

With shame and fear, Li Ya bowed her head and submitted.

Shen Jun's smile faded, turning cold and authoritative as she faced the crowd and announced:

"On behalf of Tianqi Group, I declare an important decision: the list of the eight shortlisted cooperating businesses will be adjusted. The collaboration with Sheng Guang Group is canceled, and we choose to cooperate with Shenglong Company, effective immediately!"

This announcement was like a bombshell in the banquet hall.

The crowd was shocked, buzzing with talk.

Who could have imagined that a group worth over a billion would be replaced by a company worth only a few million!

The one who changed all this was this criminal, wasn't it?

Li Ya suddenly looked up at Zhou Yang with unwillingness and deep despair, as if she had fallen into an icy cave, trembling all over.

Zhou Yang asked Li Ya with a smile, "Disappointed? I control my fate, not the heavens, even a salted fish has its day to turn around!"

Li Ya sneered through her teeth:

"Fine, I admit I lost this time. You're just a white face smugly riding on someone's coattails. What's there to be proud of!"

"Wait for it!"

"I'll make you and that whore Su Xue regret!"

Amidst a chorus of mockery and sarcasm, Li Ya, like a disheveled clown, fled in a panic.

The glorious moment that was supposed to belong to her was snatched away, and she was subjected to profound humiliation. She hated Su Xue and Zhou Yang to the bone.

She swore in her heart that she would make Su Xue pay a price and make her wish she were dead!

Shen Jun looked at Zhang Dong, her tone revealing an intimidating coldness as she asked with a smile, "Minister Zhang, do you still want to break Zhou's legs?"

Zhang Dong's legs went weak, and he knelt down with a thud, pleading, "Miss Shen, I was wrong, I apologize to Mr. Zhou! Mr. Zhou, I was blind and offended you, please forgive me!"

Zhou Yang snorted coldly:

"Had Miss Shen not intervened, would my legs already be gone?"

"I used to be too kind-hearted without discerning good from evil, that's why I lost everything. So now, I've changed. My kindness is only for the good people, and sadly, you're not one of them."

"Today, I'll send a message to the whole Yuncheng through you—anyone who cooperates with Li Ya is to cut off relations with her immediately."

"If anyone dares to team up with Li Ya against me, I'll take down each one!"

"So, you'd better choose to be a good person in the future."