Chapter 87, Bureau 101

Zhou Yang was holding the card, deep in thought, when he suddenly sensed someone attacking from behind.

A dark shadow flashed by, and a fierce punch aimed at the back of Zhou Yang's heart.

If struck, he was certain to suffer severe injuries!


Zhou Yang sneered inwardly, turned his hands behind him, and instantly caught the incoming fist, stopping the attacker's momentum dead in its tracks, then delivered a sharp elbow strike to the neck of the assailant.


The assailant, realizing the danger and caught off guard, hurriedly raised an arm to block the swift elbow strike.


The powerful force sent the assailant flying backward, crashing into the wall with a muffled sound that resonated in the cold, silent space.

In an instant.

Zhou Yang's figure flashed, moving in swiftly, and launched another punch toward the opponent's throat, with silver needles in between his fingers gleaming with a chill, cold light.