Chapter 244: Unmatched Hero!

He Shaoying stepped back in panic and pointed at Scarface, cursing loudly, "You're all so despicable and shameless, breaking your promises!"


Scarface laughed wildly, "Miss He, you are too naive! I used the name of Star Brilliance Group to capture He Shaodong and He Shaolin just to force you to come here! Did you really think it was just to make you give up the Wu Family's fortune? No, you all have to die! I heard that Miss He and Miss He are both untouched beauties. Wouldn't it be a great pity if you died without being deflowered? Why don't I do you the honor?"

He Shaodong was so scared that his legs turned to jelly, and he wet himself.

He Shaolin cursed as she struggled, "You bastards, if you dare to touch me, I swear you won't die a good death! Sister, you shouldn't have come at all, it's all that Dog Shaodong's fault for dragging you into this!"