Chapter 247, Night Rose Executioner Appears!

The black-clad figure halted his steps and from his collar pocket produced a token, tossing it to He Liancheng.

Upon seeing the token, He Liancheng recognized it immediately as the Sakura Association's token.

Years ago, when the Sakura Association sent experts to Yuncheng to bloodily eradicate the Lin Xiaoshan family, he had seen this very token.

Back then, he had sworn to the token that, upon seeing it, he would obey without question, to repay the kindness of the Sakura Association.

His hair stood on end with fright as he immediately knelt, trembling and stammering, "I have seen the great leader of the Sakura Association!"

"Indeed, Mr. He Lao still remembers the vow from that year!" the black-clad figure said, standing with his hands behind his back, exuding pride and authority.

"May I ask what instructions you have for me, great leader?" He Liancheng did not dare to look up as he inquired.