Chapter 171: From Today Onwards, You Are My Man

Winds swept across the mountains, and white clouds hung in the sky.

Lin Chen returned to Jade Bird Peak with great caution.

Knowing that the eldest and younger senior sisters lived in Plum Blossom Garden on Jade Bird Peak, Lin Chen sought another courtyard to settle down in, hoping to avoid a repeat of his unintended intrusion into a senior sister's quarters—whether it be the second or the third.

He looked for a courtyard near where he had set up his formation, stepping in only to see fallen leaves scattered everywhere. Lin Chen thought that surely this place must be uninhabited.

Lin Chen casually picked a room, planning to make it his new home, but as he pushed the door open, he was immediately greeted by a fragrant scent—a woman's fragrance.

The moment Lin Chen opened the door, he realized something was wrong, fearing he had again trespassed into a senior sister's domain.