Chapter 11: The Legendary Steal

Rose Street is also known as "Gold Digger's Road."

It is said that at the beginning of the Antique Market, many people found antiques here, and some even made millions with a single transaction.

As the news spread, a large number of "gold diggers" flocked to Rose Street.

Over the years, the "gold rush" of Rose Street has not only not subsided but has become even more intense.

"It's really lively!" Xu Yi looked at the bustling street and couldn't help but exclaim.

The road in Rose Street was wide, with vendors aplenty. The more particular ones set up tables, while the more casual simply stretched out a cloth on the ground.

The antiques for sale were also of various kinds, including all sorts of silverware, exquisite music boxes, and even outmoded Mauser guns.

Xu Yi squatted in front of a stall and began his "sweep" for goods.

His fingers swiftly brushed over the antiques, and the stall owner did not stop him; vendors here were used to seeing all sorts of strange people, even those who used divination to select antiques.

Suddenly, Xu Yi stopped, his fingers touching a silver dagger.

[Psychic Entries Experience +2, Current Progress: 47/100.]

He was here, of course, not just to stroll around.

Although the funeral parlor could continuously provide him with experience points, it was still not enough to max out the psychic entries, so he had set his sights on the antiques here.

Theoretically, any object could be tainted with the supernatural, but compared to other things, antiques had the highest probability.

The silver dagger in front of him was a case in point; Xu Yi suspected that the dagger might have been a murder weapon.

"Good taste, sir. This dagger was once used by members of the British royal family. It is very suitable for a person of your exceptional temperament. Let's make friends today—I'll let it go for five hundred dollars!" the vendor enthusiastically recommended.

For an instant, Xu Yi even thought he was in Panjiayuan, where apparently even the chamber pots had been used by Emperor Qianlong.

"Five hundred dollars? I think that's low. This dagger is worth at least a thousand dollars!" Xu Yi said with finality.

The vendor was taken aback, having only heard of people haggling down, never up. He asked with some uncertainty, "Really?"

"Of course. Why would I lie to you? This engraving, this craftsmanship, it's clearly the work of a master. It's definitely worth the money!" Xu Yi declared confidently.

The vendor hesitated for a moment, "Forget it, I can't just inflate the price out of nowhere. Five hundred dollars is fine!"

Xu Yi shook his head, "Sorry, I'm not buying it!"

The vendor glared at Xu Yi. If you're not buying, then what the hell are you babbling about!

Of course, Xu Yi wouldn't buy; most haunted items carried grudges, and if ordinary people were in contact with them for a long time, it could affect their health, not to mention certain cursed items that were dwellings for evil ghosts and demons.

He didn't mind for himself, but it wouldn't be good if it affected the people around him.

The trio had a lot of fun on this trip to Rose Street.

Xu Yi was overjoyed as he watched the psychic entries experience steadily increase, although each haunted artifact only gave a few points of experience, two or three.

But you can't knock the fact that there were a lot of them; approximately every three stalls, he could find a haunted artifact.

"Psychic Entries Experience +2, +3..."

Hardy was also very happy; he bought a pair of ballet shoes that were said to have been worn by a famous ballet star.

Xu Yi secretly scorned, what ballet star would wear a size 42 shoe, likely some toe-picking giant, right?

Lisa took a fancy to some small accessories, things like bracelets and hair ties, which were both beautiful and cheap, only costing a few dollars for a bunch.

Xu Yi suddenly stopped, looking at a strange stall in front of him.

There were a lot of people on Rose Street looking for things, and practically every stall had customers, but the stall in front was extremely deserted, with not a single person around.

The stall owner was holding a bottle of liquor, constantly pouring it into his mouth, his body exuding a pungent smell of alcohol.

The items on the stall are even stranger: horseshoes shaped into flowers, metal products with no discernible use, and fur from some unknown animal.

No wonder there's no one here, the stall owner is a drunkard, and the items he sells are baffling.

But Xu Yi, with a "since I'm already here" attitude, began to "sweep" the goods as usual.

As his fingers swept over the items, they all carried a peculiar chill, but strangely, they were not psychic items, and there were no system prompts.

When his finger brushed over a box, his hand suddenly trembled.

[Divine item discovered, entry devouring activated, entry generating, Scion (golden)...]

Xu Yi's eyes widened, he had never seen a green item before, and now a golden entry appeared?

The entries are divided into six levels: "white, green, blue, red, gold, purple".

[Sample severely insufficient, entry devouring failed.]

The system prompt abruptly stopped, and in one second, his heart fell from heaven to hell.

Why did it fail? Xu Yi was a bit frantic.

With great willpower, Xu Yi moved his finger away from the metal box.

No matter how much it costs, he had to buy it!

"How much?" He picked up a wooden ring and asked.

If he seemed too eager, it would be easy to get fleeced, so it was necessary to use other items to confuse the seller.

Although the vendor looked thoroughly drunk, who knew if he was feigning incompetence?

"Three thousand!" The drunkard glanced at the object in Xu Yi's hands.

"Is this made of diamond?" Hardy couldn't help but snark.

Xu Yi forced a calm demeanor, picking up the metal box, which was very exquisite, with bas-reliefs of angels and demons on its surface.

When the box was opened, it was surprisingly filled with several pieces of broken glass.

The glass appeared to be quite common, the only difference being that a few drops of blood stained its surface.

Whether it was the refraction of sunlight or not, the blood stains shimmered with a faint golden color.

"How about this one?" Xu Yi asked, pretending to be indifferent.

The drunkard, without even giving Xu Yi a glance, kept pouring himself drinks, "Ten thousand."

"Have you gone mad, just a few pieces of broken glass and you dare ask for ten thousand?" Before Xu Yi could speak, Hardy had already jumped up in alarm.

The drunkard couldn't be bothered to reply, as if he hadn't heard at all.

Lately, Xu Yi had been brushing up on his Psychology entries whenever he had the time, and his current progress stood at 11/100.

He still managed to grasp some basic psychology.

He had been observing the other party and felt that the man's demeanor wasn't an act; there was no room for bargaining.

But a mere ten thousand for such an item was practically a steal.

"Where did this come from?" Xu Yi couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked out loud.

"It's a family heirloom." The drunkard was stingy with words, clearly not inclined to elaborate.

Xu Yi nodded, "I'll take this, but I don't have that much cash on me, can you come with me to the bank? I can give you a hundred as a deposit first!"

He wanted the seller to go with him to withdraw money, fearing that if he walked away, the item might be snapped up by someone else. Although unlikely, it's better to be safe than sorry.

The drunkard took the hundred dollars, looked at Xu Yi with surprise, nodded, then deftly packed up the items into the box.