Chapter 18: Extracellular Fluid of Blood

Xu Yi's eyes snapped open, and instead of the burning morgue, it was the corridor from before, surrounded by a dense throng of bandaged ghostly shadows.

The scenes he just experienced weren't illusions; they had truly occurred but in the past.

This was the function of spirit communication ability.

It perceived abnormal magnetic fields and glimpsed things invisible to common people. If one's spirit communication ability were strong, one could even traverse back to the past or foresee the future.

[Psychic Entries (White Epic):

Ability 1 - Extraordinary Perception:

Perceive the abnormal, gaze upon the mystical.

Ability 2 - Blood Exteriors:

Your blood can transform into otherkind exteriors, which can be ignited. The flames of the blood exteriors can harm spirits, dark creatures, and the like.]

"Thank you!" Xu Yi looked earnestly at the charred ghostly shadow beside him, expressing heartfelt gratitude.

Without a doubt, that shadow was the psychic boy Jona.

If it weren't for Jona infusing his spiritual power into him, the psychic entries could not have possibly upgraded!

Jona's figure had dimmed considerably, and his spiritual perception was not as strong as before.

Clearly, infusing energy was also a significant burden for Jona and caused substantial harm to his spirit form.

Xu Yi fixed his gaze on the "Blood Exteriors" ability description, his eyes ablaze.

In the spiritual world, exteriors were well-known, yet, unfortunately, the majority of psychics couldn't generate exteriors.

Only a small portion of psychics could birth exteriors within them, like what Xu Yi had seen in the illusionary realm, the white gel-like substance that oozed from the psychic boy Jona's mouth and nose.

Exteriors can enhance spiritual power, serving as a buff of sorts.

If there were a talent ranking among psychics, then without a doubt, Jona would definitely be at the spearhead.

Because the exterior Jona generated belonged to the otherkind.

The so-called otherkind exterior was, aside from augmenting spiritual power, also endowed with other properties, and Jona's exterior's feature was burning.

"This is like smoke billowing from an ancestral tomb!" thought Xu Yi, thrilled.

His otherkind exterior was even more rare than Jona's.

Jona's exterior burst uncontrollably from his mouth and nose, while Xu Yi's exterior was controllable and could be transformed through his blood.

Just this distinction was as vast as the heavens and the earth.

In a moment of crisis, you're awaiting an exterior to save your life, but all you can count on is luck—can you imagine how exasperating that is?

The most crucial point was that the flames produced by the burning of his blood exterior could actually harm spirits, dark creatures, and the like.

This was simply the ace in the hole!

Most psychics lacked the means to harm spirits, making the blood exterior extraordinarily significant to Xu Yi.

As the charred ghostly shadow weakened, the bandaged ghostly shadows drew ever nearer to Xu Yi and the others.

Their space to maneuver shrank, and Maria pressed completely against Xu Yi's back.

Xu Yi felt the softness of Maria's body. Had it been another time, he might have done something, but now he only wanted to resolve the issue at hand.

Having acquired his spirit communication ability, his spiritual perception greatly increased; he could sense the bandaged ghostly shadows becoming more and more dangerous.

"What do we do now?" Allen's body trembled.

His face was almost pressed up against the bandaged ghostly shadows!

He too wished to squeeze next to Xu Yi, but unfortunately, he wasn't Maria and couldn't bring himself to do such a thing even with the thickest face.

Xu Yi ignored Allen, once more opening the wooden vial.

The magnetic field of the mysterious blood was released; the bandaged ghostly shadows were repelled, positioned three meters away, and the charred ghostly shadow completely vanished.

With the blood exterior, he now had the confidence to deal with the malevolent spirits.

To save time, he used the power of the mysterious blood again, for any further delay would only worsen the situation and lead to greater losses.

"Follow me!" Xu Yi walked back, surrounded by ghosts.

Martin was still wailing, but Xu Yi couldn't be bothered to glance at him; he wasn't a saint, and whether the other party was dead or alive had nothing to do with him.

Back in the basement morgue, they returned to this place once more.

Xu Yi stared at the bodies scattered on the floor, connecting various clues in his mind, and he understood the whole story.

The original homeowner, in order to enhance Jona's psychic abilities, stole corpses from the cemetery, engraved them with Necromantic Spells, causing the souls to be unable to pass on and trapped within the bodies.

The souls that were trapped gave rise to powerful resentment. During one of Jona's psychic rituals, the resentment erupted completely, igniting the ectoplasm and creating illusionary flames, killing the original homeowner, and Jona did not escape either.

"As long as these bodies are burned and the souls trapped within them are freed, the sealed malevolent spirits will break on their own." His previous guess was not wrong.

Gazing at the pile of bodies, with his psychic entries at full value, he finally sensed something was amiss.

A chilling resentment lingered over the bodies, no wonder ordinary flames couldn't ignite them!

"Xu Yi, they're coming!" Maria clutched the hem of Xu Yi's clothes tightly, her eyes filled with reliance.

Bandaged ghosts surged into the morgue. Without further delay, Xu Yi hurriedly took out a utility knife and pricked his finger.

Blood slowly dripped down as Xu Yi concentrated, activating the ability he had just acquired, the ectoplasmic blood.

In the process of dripping, some unknown energy flowed into his blood, turning the fresh red blood clear.

Only three drops of the clear "blood" fell when Xu Yi suddenly felt dizzy. If not for Maria's quick reflexes to support him, he would have collapsed to the ground.

"Using Ectoplasmic Blood actually has such severe side effects!"

Xu Yi was inwardly shocked; he felt drained, as if he had spent three days and nights continuously at an internet cafe and just wanted a good sleep.

But he knew he couldn't. He bit his tongue lightly with his teeth, forcefully pulling himself together.

Xu Yi took a lighter out of his pocket, flicked it twice, and the orange flame slowly neared the ectoplasmic blood.

Ailent looked on in confusion. They had tried this before; flames simply could not ignite the bodies, even when doused in kerosene.

But in the next second, his eyes suddenly widened.

The flame not only ignited the bodies but in the blink of an eye, turned into a roaring fire that devoured the pile of bodies.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief; the side effects of the ectoplasmic blood were strong, but luckily the effect was exceptional.

His good mood lasted only a few seconds; he quickly realized something was wrong.

The Necromantic Spells on the outer walls not only didn't disappear but instead began to spread toward the basement.

Logically, the bandaged ghost should have been able to find release soon, not necessarily overjoyed, but at least calmed down.

But that didn't happen. They became more agitated, letting out a wild beast-like roar, their crimson pupils revealing bone-chilling hatred.

Had it not been for the effect of the mystical bloodstains, they would have already pounced, tearing everyone's flesh.

"What exactly went wrong?"

Xu Yi was extremely anxious. As the bandaged ghosts rioted, the mystical bloodstains began to quickly deplete, with one of them close to fading completely.

"Stay calm! Stay calm!" He knew that the more anxious he got, the more mistakes he would make, the more time he would waste.

He carefully observed his surroundings, trying to find a clue, while Ailent dared not even breathe too loudly, afraid of disturbing Xu Yi.

As time ticked away, Xu Yi was ready to forcefully break the situation using his mystical blood; although it pained him to use up two or three drops of the five he had, at least it would preserve a spark of hope.

Just then, something caught his eye within the blazing bodies, sparking a thought.

To confirm his suspicion, he observed the agitated bandaged ghosts again, and he finally knew where the problem lay.

It was the eyelids! All these bodies were missing eyelids!

If the flames hadn't burned away the wrappings, Xu Yi might have never noticed the problem.

The original homeowner carved Necromantic Spells on the corpses, and to make use of the corpses' spell power, they couldn't possibly carry the bodies everywhere, so they needed a medium.

And that medium was the eyelids.

No wonder the ghosts were rioting; the eyelids were the key to unlocking the Necromantic Spells, and without burning the eyelids alongside the bodies, the ghosts would not face reincarnation, but complete annihilation!